166. You find out you have cancer

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Two weeks ago you had found a weird lump on your side, You didn't really think anything of it but today in the shower you noticed another one. "Hey Harry?" you called from the bathroom. Harry met you in there and asked what you needed. "Come feel this" you told him, letting his hands roam your sides. His eyes widen as he found the lump. "(Y/N) why didn't you tell me?" he said. "I didn't think it was a big deal but now theres two" you said. He could hear the fright in your voice. "Everything is going to be okay sweetheart lets get you to a doctor." He said. He kissed your forehead and drove you to the doctor. "And who do we have here?" the doctor asked. It had taken forever just to get somewhere besides the waiting room. " I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" you said. He gave you a bright smile. "Ok so I'm going check out these bumps that you have and then we'll have to run a few scans." he said. You nodded. "Now I'll need you to lift your shirt and turn on your side, do you what him to be here?" he wondered referring to Harry. The doctor must have been worried about Harry seeing you with your shirt off. "Trust me I've seen much more than that" Harry muttered, making you blush. You shook your head "He can stay as long as he keeps his mouth shut" you giggled. Though this might not have been the time or place for Harry's cheeky jokes, you were thankful for them; they took your mind off the fact that you were in a doctors office and could possibly have cancer. Harry took a seat in the corner and the doctor started to examine your lumps... An hour or so had passed since you had been scanned multiple times. You and Harry played thumb war in the meantime, as well as rock paper scissors, and tic tac toe; anything to pass the time. "Miss. (Y/L/N) I have your results" said a older nurse who looked about your mothers age. She pulled her reading glasses on to her face and looked at the test result. "Unfortunately it looks like you have tested positive for cancer" She said. It was right then and there when it felt as if time stopped and you were in some kind of horrible nightmare. The nurse was saying something but you couldn't hear her. "Noo" was all you managed to say before starting to cry and falling into Harry's arms.

Your tears were quick to fall, you could barely think without it hurting, let alone moving. "(Y/N)? Are you ok in there?" Niall called out to you. "No" you answered so quietly, you were surprised he heard it. He opened the door and found you curled up crying with your head in your hands. "Oh my god what's wrong?!" He wondered scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to the bed. "My head- it hurts" was all you managed to say. "You need to go to the hospital princess" he said. You got to the hospital quickly and you got a few tests run. You then fell asleep.
"Hi (Y/N)" the doctor said mispronouncing your name. "(Y/N)." You corrected her. "Sorry dear. So what do you do (Y/N)?" She said. "I'm a student" you said. "What is your last name?" "(Y/L/N) " "When is your birthday?" "May 8th" you told her. "Good, it looks like your memory is fine" she told you. That's when you realized that it was only you and the doctor in the room. "Um where's my boyfriend?" You asked. The doctor chuckled. "Sorry I hate to sound like THAT girl who can't be without her boyfriend but I just need a hug right now" you said. "I understand (Y/N) i just asked him to step out for a seconds so I could talk to you. But I'll let him back in here while I go and get your test results." She said slipping out the door and allowing Niall in. "You're awake!" he exclaimed. You smiled for the first time all day. "Yes I am." you said. Niall gave you a quick peck and told you that your family was on their way to the hospital. "(Y/N) I have the results here, would you like me to tell you or would you like to see for yourself?" she asked. "I'd like to see it myself please" you said. She handed you the folder. In the folder you saw some sort of x-ray of your brain. It was all white accept for one part of your head which had a concentrated black spot. "What does this mean?" you asked. "Well this is your brain.." she said slowly. "I know that I mean what is that" you snapped pointing to the black spot. "That is a tumor, and its cancerous" she told you. "Wait so I...that means that....hold on I- I have cancer!?!" you exclaimed. She nodded. All you wanted to do was go home, run upstairs, lock yourself in your room, and cry, but you knew that wasn't an option. "Can I be alone please" you said almost monotone. She quietly left the room, Niall kissed your cheek. "I'll be right outside" he said. You got up and closed the door hard. "This isn't fair, why did this happen to me" you said out loud pacing back and forth through the room. "ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid, FUCKING STUPID" you screamed throwing the test results onto the floor. "(Y/N)?! What are you doing!" Niall said as he saw you starting to rip up the papers. You slid down, sitting on the floor and tears came streaming from your eyes. "I don't understand, why did this happen!" You cried. "Shhh its ok baby, come here" Niall said. He sat next to you and held you in his arms both of you now crying.

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