318. He's The Father

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Liam: You knew he looked familiar. How could you not notice he was the guy from the bar? "Liam do you remember meeting me a little over 6 months ago at that bar down the street?" you asked your new friend "Oh my gosh. Y/N. How could I forget? That night was amazing." Liam said smiling and reminiscing. Then it hit him "Oh my gosh IS THAT MINE?!" he yelled pointing at your pregnant belly "I'm afraid so." you informed him.

Louis: "So who's the lucky lad?" Louis asked while looking at your stomach. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." you started. You and Louis had just bumped into each other and decided to go out for lunch to catch up. "Go ahead." He invited "You remember that night on the tour bus, don't you..?" you looked up at him in guilt. "Of course, why?" he asked confused "Well Lou, you're going to be a daddy soon." you told him.

Harry: "Oh my goodness, Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?!" your old friend Harry asked "I've been okay, how have you been?" you asked happily "I've been alright. Wow, so are you with someone now?" Harry asked pointing to your belly. "Funny you should ask actually." you said nervously. "What happened?" Harry asked concerned. "Remember our last night together backstage before the break up..?" you asked looking at the floor. He looked at you speechless as his jaw slowly dropped.

Niall: "You look so familiar it's scary." Niall started "Where do I know you from?" he continued "Oh no." you said looking at him once more. "What?" Niall asked "I'm the girl from that party a few months ago. You know, the one you took back to your place afterwards." you hinted "Oh my gosh that's it! Wow it's been so long but I'm surprised I didn't- wait." Niall cut himself off and looked at you "Does that mean that... Is that mine?" Niall asked as you nodded.

Zayn: "Oh sorry." Zayn said after bumping into you "No it's- Zayn?!" you said after realizing who had just bumped into your shoulder "Y/N!? Oh my gosh how are you?" Zayn asked as his face lit up. "Great! How about you?" you asked "Really good. I see you're pregnant. Who's the daddy?" he said with a smirk "Ha, um do you by any chance know how long ago the last time we had sex was?" you asked slyly "I believe it was about 5 months ago if I'm not mistaken." he assured you "Zayn?" you said "Yeah?" he asked confused "I'm 5 months pregnant." you quickly answered. He just stared at you.

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