154. Your child gives him the silent treatement

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Liam: You had left Liam and your 2 kids at home while you and your best friend Eleanor got a day away from the kids. You walked in the house you and Liam owned and one of your kids was playing happily on the floor with his Lego, and your little girl who was 4 was sitting on the steps with her arms crossed. You looked around and saw Liam watching Toy Story, while he watched your son with his Lego. "mummy" your little girls says happily as she runs to you. "hey pumpkin" you say as you pick her up and kiss her cheek. "sweetie it's your favorite part of the movie" Liam says obviously talking to your little girl who doesn't answer or take notice of what he said. "hey Li" "hey luv" you both greet and he gets up and kisses you quickly, before you both sit on the couch, and your son climbs on you to kiss you hello. "mummy can I play with you?" your little girl asks, "sure what would you like to play?" "hide and seek?" she asks happily. "I asked if you wanted to play with me and you said no" Liam says to your little girl who still ignores him. He turns to you, "what did I do to get the silent treatment?" he questions, you shrug your shoulders, "I don't know, sweetie why aren't you talking to daddy?" you ask your little girl. "Because he wouldn't let me watch anything but toy story" she states. You look at Liam, "there you go" you giggle, "don't you like toy story?" he asks, "I do but I want to watch something else, and you won't let me" she whines. "I'm sorry sweetheart, come here you can pick something then" Liam says as she crawls onto his lap an gets comfortable.

Niall: "daddy?" you hear your son say as he creaks open the door to your bedroom. Niall didn't say anything to occupied with sleeping in. "what's wrong?" you ask, "can I sleep with you and daddy?" he asks as he holds his little teddy in his hand, clearly scared of something. "no" Niall mumbles, and cuddles up to you. You push him away, "come here" you say to your son and he walks over to your side of the bed. You lift up the covers and let him in, and cuddle up with him. "that's not fair" Niall whines as he tries to cuddle to you and you nudge him lightly in the chest. "perfectly fair" you giggle, and Niall tries again to cuddle up to you and you let him, as you make sure your son can't fall out of the bed by securing him in your arms. You all eventually end up falling asleep, you wake up and cool breakfast for your son and Niall. Niall eventually gets up and comes down to the kitchen and your son completely ignores Niall, doesn't even acknowledge he is in the room. "hey buddy" Niall says as he goes to hug your son, and your son walks away and continues playing with his toys still in his dinosaur pjs. "what's wrong?" Niall asks your son, "you're mean" he says before going back to what he was doing. "what, huh, why?" Niall asks and your son doesn't answer. You put the food on the table, "boys breakfast" you call and then Niall whispers to you asking why. "you said he couldn't sleep with us last night so he got pissed off at you" you say, "hey buddy come here I'm sorry" Niall says and your son sits in his seat which was next to Niall. "I was tired an didn't mean to be mean. How about I make it up to you and tonight we go for ice cream?" Niall says cutely, and your son agrees. Taking advantage of his soft dad, who probably wanted ice cream himself.

Louis: You arrived home from work soaking wet, because of the torrential rain. You got drenched just from walking from the car to the door. You very quickly went to the fire place to keep warm, and noticed the house was quieter than usual. Louis was asleep on the couch, you went up stairs to check on your kids and they weren't there. "Louis" you say waking him, "oh hey luv" he says tiredly, "where are the kids?" you question, he looks at you, "shit" he swears and runs out the door. Half an hour he comes back in through the door with your 3 children, the oldest one drenched from standing outside in the rain, while the other 2 were at your mums house. "I'm sorry" Louis keeps repeating to your 10 year old, and she refuses to talk to him. He puts the other 2 children down, and grabs a blanket for Stella. She went and sat at the fire place trying to dry off. "Stella are you okay?" you say as you hand her a towel, and the hot chocolate you had made for yourself. "no dad left me in the rain alone for 10 minutes. He forgot to pick me up" she says angrily. "go upstairs and get changed then come back down and sit here sweetheart" you say, and she runs upstairs. You turn to Louis who already feels bad, "I'm sorry I really am, I accidentally fell asleep, I'm sorry" he starts pleading with you. "hey I understand you're tired and things happen and that you didn't mean it, but you need to talk to her" you say and kiss Louis on the cheek, as your two younger children run around. Stella comes back down and sits in front of the heater with her hair brush. Louis sits next to her, "I really am sorry Stella, I didn't mean to, can I make it up to you some how?" he pleads but she ignores him. "how about tomorrow after school I'll take you where ever you want to go, I really am sorry I didn't mean to leave you in the rain" "Stella?" Louis whispers, "come on, I know you're tempted" Louis says as he starts to tickle Stella, "okay okay, I forgive you" she giggles. Louis then takes her hair brush and starts to brush her hair for her.

Harry: You and Harry were at a restaurant with Darcy and she didn't want to eat because she said she felt sick. She had be whining all day, about everything, and Harry had, had a long day at the studio and was tired, but still agreed on going out. Darcy just kept complaining, and you even started to get sick of listening to her complain. She had been begging all week to go out for dinner to her favorite restaurant and now she didn't want to eat. "Darcy eat your food" Harry says in the nicest way he possibly could. "no" she whines, "fine no ice cream, when we get home" Harry says settling the disagreement. You and Harry continued eating and she just sat there playing with her food. Today was not a day to test Harry's patients, "Darcy please just eat" Harry sighs, she shakes her head. "okay don't eat but don't complain later when you're hungry" Harry says and continues eating. You and Harry finish up and give Darcy one last chance to eat and she still refused. You picked her up and waited outside while Harry paid the bill. You all went home, and Harry got a bowel of ice cream and sat down on the couch. "daddy can I have some?" she asks nicely, "nope" Harry says as he goes on his laptop. "please?" she asks softly as her eyes start to water. Harry shakes his head, "you didn't eat dinner sweetie you can't have dessert" Harry says being nice. She sighs and decides to ignore Harry for the rest of the night, it was time for bed, and she wouldn't settle down with you putting her to bed. She kept getting out. You and Harry were on the couch cuddled together and she comes out, "daddy I feel sick" she mumbles, "now you want to talk to me?" he says which was a little harsh, and she starts crying. You nudge Harry's arm and look at him, "sorry Darcy" he says tiredly and gets up, she steps back as Harry goes to pick her up and she shakes her head. "come here" he whispers nicely and she walks into his arms, and he hugs her tightly. "come on let's get you to bed even though you won't talk to me" he softly says, she softly giggles, "I love you daddy" he cutely says, "I love you too Darc" Harry replies lovingly.

Zayn: Zayn had spent the whole day cleaning and looking after the kids while you were on bed rest. It was a quiet day, until you heard Zayn yelling half softly at your son. You decided to get up to see what was wrong. "why did you have to spill the cordial on the floor, now the floor will be sticky" Zayn says pretty mad at your son. "sorry dad" he mumbles, "no now you can clean it up, I spent the whole day cleaning, now I know why your mum is tired of cleaning the house" Zayn says. "zayn" you interrupt, "go back to bed luv" zayn says in a pissed off tone still. You shake your head, "you need to calm down babe" you whisper and kiss his cheek. Your son cleans up the mess he had made and ran upstairs. You went back upstairs and noticed your son refused to talk to Zayn, even though Zayn tried to apologize multiple times. "Son please I didn't mean to get angry I'm sorry, how about we kick the soccer ball out the back while your sister plays in her cubby house?" Zayn says nicely through the door of your sons room. After a few minutes you hear the door creek open, "okay dad, I'm sorry for spilling the cordial it won't happen again" your son eventually says cutely. "it's okay son, you didn't mean it. Come on buddy" Zayn says and at that you hear the boys run down the stairs. You hear them play happily in the back yard, occasionally hearing them celebrating a goal one of the kicked or missed.

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