Chapter 4

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"You met Josh Hutcherson, your idol, your everything, and you are still alive and breathing right now?" Mickey places two fingers on my wrist to see if I had a pulse. "Yup you're alive and breathing now tell me how the heck that's possible?"

"Honestly, I think I'm still in shock. It's going to hit me soon that I actually met him, and then you can start arranging my funeral." I run my hands through my curly hair and push it out of the way.

"You are possibly the luckiest girl on the planet you know that right? I mean, Josh Hutcherson sat on this very sofa?" I nod my head and she falls back on it, stretching her arms out and smiling. "Lord, take me now."

Yeah, this is why we're friends.

I turn my attention back to the wallet clasped between her fingers. In all this hysteria I've completely forgotten about it. She notices me looking at it and begins to ramble on.

"Nice weather we're having huh? God I love LA's bipolar weather and air pollution what a fabulous place to live I can't wait to swim in this polluted water-"

"Okay Mickey is there something you want to tell me?" I ask her. She usually rambles on when's she trying to hide something or is extremely nervous.

She gives me an uneasy smile and stealthily hides the wallet behind her hands. Oh, so that's what this is about.



Our words tumble over each other and I raise my eyebrows. She looks at me and ushers me to talk.

"Let me see the wallet please." I say calmly, suddenly nervous as to why she's acting so weird about it.

"Are you sure about that?" she asks worriedly.

"Why wouldn't I be? Just give me the damn wallet!" I yell losing my temper. All this anticipation doesn't help my already high anxiety.

I can thank school for that.

She raises her eyebrows, not use to hearing me curse. She tosses the wallet and I stare down at it like it was made of gold. Who knows, maybe it is. This is Josh Hutcherson we're talking about. I didn't know I was in a trance until Mickey snapped me out of it.

"Open it already!"

I open the wallet slowly suddenly scared of what was inside. There was no money but a bunch of credit cards inside. His picture and address were the first thing I noticed. As I looked at more of the photos, my heart dropped. There was a girl with him. She was beautiful. Blonde hair, perfect figure, brown eyes, and he was kissing her cheek. I know he's famous and I should have realized that he would have a girlfriend. But why am I so heartbroken? It's not like I ever had a chance with him anyway. I am clearly thinking too much about my feelings. Mickey wraps her arms around me.

"Don't cry, Em" She said soothingly.

I didn't realize the tears falling down my cheeks until she mentioned it. Out of all the things in the world I could do, I was crying. What's wrong with me? He's just a celebrity. Damn you hormones.

I can't believe I kissed his cheek! He has a girlfriend! I'm so dumb.

"I don't even know why I'm crying! I don't understand. Ugh my life!" I scream into her shoulder. When I come back up for breath, Mickey takes the wallet out of my hands. She stares at the wallet for a while until she looked at me with excitement filled in her eyes.

Uh oh. This can't be good.

"You know what this means right?" she asked deviously. Oh lord what does she have planned. I shake my head clearly lost.

"We have Josh Hutcherson's wallet and inside is his address. We are going to personally return it to him." She grabs both of my hands and begins jumping up and down. She only stops when she notices that I have a blank expression on my face.

"I guess your right." I say hesitantly. I can think of a million things that I can say and do to Josh that'll make me want to bury myself 6 feet under.

"Emma! You better cheer up before I smack you! Do you know how grateful he's going to be when you give him his wallet back?!" Her excitement radiates around the room and I can't help but feel her happiness pour into me.

I haven't been this happy in months, since him. I honestly thought I'd never be happy again as cheesy as that sounds. Because when I fall in love, I fall hard. I hate that about myself. I've been through hell and back with this breakup but I finally feel as if I'll finally move forward this time. Even if this happiness is temporary, I'll take it.

And maybe this time, this temporary happiness can become permanent.

What is Josh doing to me?

After a few seconds of processing what this means, I decide to speak up. "Can we just clean up and figure this whole thing out later? I feel like my head will burst out of its socket if I think about it for too long.

Don't get your hopes up. I tell myself. You never know when life is going to slap you in the face and make your entire existence seem like a joke.

"Of course. I'm sleeping over by the way!" she tells me as I walk out of the room. She doesn't bother asking me if it was okay. I really didn't mind. Our house is basically hers too. Mickey couldn't bother with her own family. She's adopted, and her foster parents aren't really accepting of

As I was walking into the kitchen I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I was going to see Josh. Again. I'm still questioning whether this whole thing is actually a dream. Because if this is reality, then my life was about to go through an interesting path.

And maybe this time I won't be such a painful mess.

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