Chapter 26

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Josh's POV.

She wants to see Connor. Everything seems to be going according to plan. But why do I feel so horrible?

Before we leave I ask her a question.

"Do you like him? Connor I mean."

Apparently this question takes her by surprise because she takes a while before answering.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe... We've been through a lot. It might not seem like it but we have." she says.

"Oh." is all I manage to say. My feelings for her continue to grow stronger every time I'm with her. But I keep pushing them away for the sake of Connor. I wouldn't want to jeopardize whatever they have. But these feelings are overpowering all of my senses and I know, I just know that I'm bound to do something I'll regret.

Kyle's POV.

"Kyle help bring the groceries inside while I grab Lily." my mom says.

"Yeah yeah sure." what a long day. School sucks.

I grab as much groceries as I can carry and walk inside the house. I'm guessing no one is home. It seems quiet. The groceries rustle together in my hands as I walk towards the kitchen. And there I see something disgusting. Beyond disgusting. I think I might be sick.

Standing there, right in the middle of the kitchen, is Mickayla and Elijah. Kissing. They seem to sense my presence and quickly pull apart.

"Eww what the heck gross! You two were-"

"Kyle be quiet!" Eli says shushing me.

"Why do I have to be quiet! You two were -"

"Kyle please! You saw nothing! Okay?" he says.

"I'm pretty sure I just saw you two-"

"Saw them what?" Mom walks into the kitchen with Lily. I look over at Eli and he looks desperate. He silently pleads me not to tell. Mickey looks like she's about to be pass out.

"I saw them.. I saw them dancing!" I quickly make up.

"Dancing? I've got to see this!" Mom says. I turn to look and Mickey and Eli and they both look flustered.

"Umm okay so it goes a little something like this. One, two, three." All of a sudden they start breaking out in ridiculous dance. Not in sync at all. We all start laughing and Lily turns red from the excitement.

"You guys need to work on that." she says.

"I guess your right munchkin." Eli says walking over to pick her up. He mouths me a thank you. I shrug it off. Now I have something to use against him...

Emma's POV.

That girl, Stacey, was so nice. I couldn't help but be grateful that I met her. Seeing how much of a fan she was of Josh made me realize something. I need to stop taking these things for granted. A few months ago, I was her. Meeting my idol for the very first time. And now I'm in the very same car with him, and going to his house. My life has changed so much.

I can't believe I told Josh that I might like Connor. Is that weird? I don't know why it would be. And I'm actually on my way to see him. To talk to him. To thank him. But what do I say? I get so tongue twisted over things like this. I'm so nervous that my hands start to shake. Stay calm. Stay calm.


"Huh? Yeah Josh?"

"Uh we're here. We have been for 3 minutes... Are you alright?"

I turn to look out the window, and he's right. We are here. Has he been staring at me?

"I'm sorry I'm just really weird." I say suddenly self conscience.

"Don't apologize. Being weird is a good thing. Shall we?" he says gesturing towards the house.


We finally get out of the car and I stuff my hands in my pockets to keep them from shaking. Josh can clearly see how nervous I am. He looks worried when he opens the door.

"Wow I feel like I haven't been here in forever!" I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

Josh smiles.

"Connor should be in his room. It's the first door at the right of the kitchen." he says.


"Oh and Emma, I'll be right here okay? I'll always be here." I nod my head, not trusting my unsteady voice.

I still can't get over this house. It so...perfect. A dream house. I approach the kitchen and make a right like Josh said to do. Soon enough, I'm standing right outside his door. It sounds really quiet inside. I take a few seconds to relax my breathing and then finally I knock.


I knock again.

Still nothing.

I open the door. This is the right room right? I hope so. The room is painted dark blue and it is very clean and neat, how I figured it would be. Usually, I wouldn't walk into someone else's room without them there, but I do. I don't know why. Nothing in his room is out of place. The bed is made and the pillows are centered.

I walk over to his desk and find pictures. Him and his family. The very family I fantasized being apart of for so long. The family I believe to be perfect. Never in a million years would I ever think that I would meet them.

I look over at another picture. Josh and Connor. I stare at this picture for what feels like hours. So many emotions run through me. Although I can't identify many them. And I'm in such a trance that I don't even hear him calling my name.

"Emma? Emma."

Someone grabs me hand. I instantly fling it away, until I notice that Connor is right in front of me.

"Oh my god!" I run into his arms. He stumbles backwards, I clearly surprised him, and myself for that matter.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. I still haven't let him go from the hug.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry." this finally grabs his attention and he pulls away.

"For what?" I gesture to the bed so we could sit down.

"Josh told me how you've been feeling. I feel like such a jerk. I probably am a jerk. I never wanted to hurt you. After what we've been through. You've been so nice and supportive and all I've been was a terrible friend. And I can't believe you actually would fall for a person like me -"


"because I'm me. I've told you some things that I haven't told anyone. Not even Mickey. You helped me through some tough times. That one day... that day you saved me... I really thought I would go through with it you know? I was so stupid! But you were there and
you are potentially the reason why I'm here today. And I will never ever, ever be able to repay that. Because of you, I'm not that weak girl I once was." I hug him again.

"You have no reason to be apologizing. If anyone should, it's me. I'm sorry too. What I did was stupid. I don't know anyone in the right mind that would do that. And when you ran out, I was so scared. I thought something had happened. And I know I shouldn't have told you that I had feelings for you. It just makes everything so much more complicated. I'm so glad I met you Emma and if you really do forgive me, maybe we can try this friend thing out again?"

"I do forgive you. Yes I would love to be your friend." I smile.

"You don't know how happy that makes me! I love you Emma."

Cue the awkward silence. I don't know how to respond to that. I may like him but love is out of the question. I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone after my Ex. Because with love comes trust, and I haven't trusted anyone for a long time.

"Sorry." he looks down.

I shrug the comment off.

"Come on let's go get Josh." I say pulling him towards the door.

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