Chapter 55

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Josh's POV.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!" Mom exclaims as I walk through the front door.

"I was.. I was with Emma."

"Why are you blushing?" she smiles.

"I'm not." I try saying with a straight face but failing.

That kiss messed me up. It was so.. Out of no where. But hey I'm not complaining, it was amazing. But now I'm determined to find her Twitter. I'm curious although I admit that I want to be reassured that she actually likes me. I've never been like this before. I've never needed reassurance. Does she love me? I've told her that I love her but she hasn't said it back. Am I suppose to be worried about that? She's going to kill me for looking for her Twitter. But everything about her seems too good to be true.

Before settling down with my laptop, I find Connor in his room.

"Hey, by any chance do you know what Emma's twitter is?" I ask.

"Nope she never told me." he answers.

I guess it's not going to be that easy. I find a spot on my bed and silently log onto twitter. I haven't tweeted in months... Maybe I'll just leave a quick tweet.

"I hope all is well with everyone. Thanks for being such amazing fans." is what I say.

Instantly my mentions blow up. I decide to check on them later. But first I need to find her account.

I scroll over to the search box and type in "Emma Palmer." Thousands of results. After looking over the 30th Emma Palmer, I decide to take a different approach. I next look through some of my followers to see if she's one of the latest on the list. I know it's doubtful but it's the only thing I can think of right now.

And then something within me clicks. Mickey. I'm following Mickey. Mickey has to be following her! When I click on her profile, my heart begins to race. Following: 853. Great. They've been best friends for a long time so it's most likely for Emma to be one of her first followers. I wait, page by page, for the list to load. Three minutes later and I'm at the beginning. She first followed... @fandomqueen_? I click on the profile and my whole face lights up.

It's her. I know it is. Even though there is no indication of her name, everything reads Emma. And her tweets, her tweets are hilarious. I find myself laughing as I scroll through her profile.

"@jhutch1992 Umm hello I exist."

"@jhutch1992 You're jaw was seriously hand crafted by God himself."

"@jhutch1992 I know you will never know me but thank you. You've saved me in more ways than you can imagine."

"@jhutch1992 I love you."

A bunch of her tweets are directed towards me. It really does warm my heart. Apparently she "ships" me and Jennifer. What does that mean? I should ask her. Her tweets are adorable and if anything, they make me love her even more. She hasn't been on twitter in a while but a lot of her tweets are ones from her high school days.

"I hate everything. Do not trust anyone and do not fall in love."

This must have been about Evan. My blood instantly boils. And what makes me pissed off even more is her tweet two days before that.

"I love him so much."

The fact that anyone has ever hurt her is unfathomable to me. I'm not kidding when I say that I would beat him to a pulp if I ever saw him.

I press the follow button without a second thought. Big mistake. Her followers start soaring and I finally address my notifications. Most of them are about her.

"I hope you're happy with @fandomqueen_ Josh."

"If you're happy then so am I."

"She's not even pretty why is he with her?"

"She looks like a slut."

And this was exactly what I was afraid of. There's always more people like that who don't approve. It's always this way. What makes me angry is that they have no idea what she's like yet they're so quick to judge. My eyes stop on a random tweet.

"Guys! Her name is Emma Palmer!"

Great. I guess there was so avoiding them finding out her name. In no time "Jemma" is trending. Some fans I met earlier today posted the pictures online. I'm glad I was able to make some people happy. But one picture particularly catches my attention.

"Stop the hate! Emma is the sweetest person ever! Josh loves her and I see no reason not to. I'm so grateful that I met her."

And attached was a picture of a little girl and Emma that immediately makes me smile. It's the cutest picture and both of them look so happy. How didn't I notice her taking this?

I retweet her tweet before typing my own.

"why be mean to people? why try to bring someone down when it's already hard enough? please be nice. make life easier... not harder."

Mickey's POV.

"Emma have you been on Twitter lately?" I say as I scroll through the "Jemma" trend. How did they find out her twitter? How did they even find out what her name is? But as I look through countless tweets, a lot of them are negative.

"No. Why?"

"Maybe you shouldn't go on..."

"Well now I have to go on don't I?"

"Please don't."

"I don't see why you don't want me going-woah." her hands freeze around her phone.

"Why do I have so many followers? And why-he didn't."she shakes head.

"Who didn't what?"

"He found my twitter this is so embarrassing." she says hiding her face.

I'm assuming she's talking about Josh.

"Um look at the trends."

"What about them?" she stares at the screen.

"Jemma." I mumble.

"Jemma? What's that."

I give her an are you serious look before telling her to click on the trend.

"Oh. We have a ship name? How is this trending worldwide? This is so weird." she faintly smiles.

"Who is that little girl?" I ask pointing to the picture of Emma and the child.

"Aww she posted it. She wanted to take a picture with me. With me, can you believe it? She was so nice." she says.

"It's a cute picture." she looks really happy in it.

We both sit there scrolling through the trend for a couple of minutes. Emma noticeably becomes silent and her face takes on a worried expression.



"You okay?"

"Yeah. I just need use the bathroom." she gets up from the bed and a second later the bathroom door closes.

Her phone is still on the bed. I quickly jumped from my spot and grab her phone, to see what she's so worked up about.

She was on this girl's account. And from the look of it, that girl wasn't very, what's the word... accepting. I read through a few.

"Emma is such a slut. She's only using Josh for the fame and his money."

"She's so fat. Josh could do so much better."

"Seriously where the hell did she wash up from."

Some people just don't know when to shut up.

I hope Emma's okay.

(Aw I love it when you guys comment. It makes so happy and makes me want to write even more!)

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