Chapter 56

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Emma's POV.

The next week goes by in a blur. Everything is so different now. I've been noticed by a lot of people and the paps are literally everywhere. If anything, I feel bad for Josh. It seems as if they're determined to find us whenever we're together. He keeps blaming himself but I feel like I'm the one to blame.

I've tried to avoid twitter as much as possible. The hate on there is too much for anyone. I know it's just out of jealously but I can't help but think that there is truth in their words. Josh has helped me a bunch though. Just being with him makes it a whole lot easier.

I haven't been talking to my dad lately ever since that whole argument. He hasn't seemed like he cares to bring it up so why should I? I'm moving out in two days anyways. Yes two days. That means that Josh is leaving a week from now. Neither of us has brought up that conversation yet either...

"Emma, one caramel frappe no whip cream." Alex says.

Oh and I'm working at Starbucks now.

"Alright coming right up!" I make my way to the blender and start making the drink.

Starbucks sounds like an easy job but it's really not. You have to memorize countless recipes and the secret menu for that matter. But it keeps me occupied and that's what I need right now.

"One tall caramel frappe no whip cream for Rebecca!" I call out.

"Thank you." a young girl takes the drink.

"No problem. Have a nice day." I smile back.

"Move it move it Emily." Nancy snaps her fingers.

"It's Emma." I correct her.


Alex quietly mocks her from the register and I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Nancy glares.

"Nothing." I try to suppress my laughter.

"Get to work." she walks away stiffly and I'm reminded why I dislike her so much.

"'Get to work.' There's hardly anyone here. See what I have to deal with?" Alex leans against the counter.

"She really is something."

"What time do you get off?" she asks.

"In two hours." I sigh.

"Maybe if Nancy doesn't have her panties in a twist, she'll let you go early. It's dead in here." she gestures around the room.

"Maybe. You should keep it down." I smile.

"Maybe she should get a life. She acts like she's been working here for ages when the only reason why she has this job in the first place-"

The bell rings as a group of teenagers walk in.

"Oh boy get ready for a full load." she pats my back before walking off.

Alex is so down to earth and funny. She makes this job 10x more bearable. Not to mention that she doesn't bring up the fact that I'm with Josh Hutcherson. That's the only thing people seem to do around me now.

She hands me a list of orders a minute later. I immediately set off to work. I constantly worry about messing up drinks but I know I can't keep costumers waiting. That's the dilemma. It's been five days but I think I'm getting pretty good at this job.

"Do you mind taking those orders to table five?"she asks me.

"Not at all." I lie. I hate delivering to tables. Especially to a rowdy bunch. I place the drinks on the tray before making my way over.

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