Chapter 7

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Emma's POV.

"Emma wake up..."

"Go away." If you haven't noticed yet, I am not a morning person.

"You better wake up by the time I count to ten or else." I didn't think much of Mickey's empty threat. If I was given the choice I'd rather wake up in the evening.

"7..8.." As she counts, her volume rises incredibly high.

"9..10!!!" And then the water comes down. I bolt up and try to get the ice cold water out of my eyes.

"What the hell was that for!" Mickey was currently laughing, hysterically might I add, on the floor.

I cross my arms over my chest to try and return some heat to my body.

"You know you can't sleep in forever right? Especially not today." She says regaining her composure.

"Mickey I swear you better sleep with your eyes open because I'm going to grab a butter knife and stab your ...Wait what's happening today?"

"Woah calm down Peter you really are clueless when you wake up. Let me think. We are going to see Josh today. Does that ring a bell?" She says slowly talking to me like I was a child.

I'm an idiot. Why do I always forget about important events like this?

"I would forget..." I trail off, finally taking in Mickey's entire appearance. Her hair was wet and she looks like she has been crying. She realizes that I'm staring at her and quickly averts her eyes to the ground.

"Gosh, Emma you're looking at me like I'm zombie." she laughs it off.

"Mickey..." I start off.

"Emma get your butt in the shower! Get ready! I'll pick out your clothes."

"Fine. "I realize that she would tell me what happened when she was ready. I step out of the room and head towards the bathroom. By the time I was out of the shower, an hour had passed. Usually I would want to save water but today I was in a thinking mood. Maybe it was the fact that I was seeing Josh today, or maybe I was just worried about Mickey. Either way it was a well deserved hour. I grabbed my robe and walk back to my room. As soon as I turn the door knob, my mouth drops open.

"Mickey! Why are my clothes all over the floor!" She looks at me with a guilty smile.

"I had to find you the perfect outfit to wear when we see Josh. You sure did take a long shower. What were you thinking about?" I smile at the fact that Mickey knows me so well.

"Nothing important..."

"Okay then. Well here's your outfit," she points to the bed, "And I don't care if you don't want to wear it cause you have to! Toodles!" and with that she leaves me in the room to change. I slowly approach the bed afraid of what she choose. Don't get me wrong, Mickey has great style but we are completely different in that sense.

But maybe it'll be a good thing to dress up seeing as I looked like a wet dog when I met Josh.

My eyes widen in horror as I look at the dress.

"Mickey! There's no way I'm wearing this!"

"Yes you are! Cause I'm not letting you out until you do!" And to prove her point, I hear a key turn, locking me in.

Don't ask me how she has a key to my room. I don't even have a key to my room.

"You are evil." I hesitantly throw on the dress and look in the mirror. She choose a very slimming salmon - colored dress and, thankfully, flats for me to wear. I'm really insecure about my body. Yet another one of my tragic flaws. It keeps me from wearing anything that exposes too much skin. If I had the choice, I'd be wearing sweats and a hoodie for the rest of my life. I sigh and began to apply my makeup. Ten minutes later, I fix my hair and finally I sit down on the bed.

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