Chapter 36

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Emma's POV.

It was back in the 10th grade. Evan was the 'popular' kid I guess you could say. He played basketball and was in almost every extra curricular activity. Plus he was a straight A student. Everyone knew him, and everyone who didn't, wanted to. He wasn't one of those cocky annoying teenagers like you would expect. He was actually really sweet and nice.

I remember the day when he actually talked to me. We were working on a class project and had assigned partners. And of course I would get the hottest guy in class. Oh did I mention that I make a fool out of myself when I talk to guys? Cause I do. Anyways, I thought it would be super awkward. I knew him, as did everyone else, but I doubt he even knew my name.

He came over to my desk and took a seat shooting me one of his amazing smiles.

"Hey I'm Evan, its nice to meet you."

"Hi I'm Emma." I say shyly.

"So I was thinking.." he goes on about meeting up to finish this project. He talks so passionately and his eyes twinkle with excitement. All I can do is nod in agreement at everything he said.

We met a few more times after school to finish up. I was kind of disappointed that we were finished with the assignment. And I have no clue why, but it seemed like he was too.

We didn't talk much after that, until 11th grade, when we basically had every class together. I opened up to him, which was shocking to me. It was so easy to talk to him. Everyday we talked a little more and more.

Evan would invite me over to his house to study for tests, or to do homework. I met his family, and his sister insisted that he liked me. I laughed at that and quickly dismissed it. But I soon found out she was right. We were walking to 3rd period when he pulled me to the side. The bell rang and the hallways were empty.

"Emma. We've been friends now for a while right? I love being your friend. But I want us to be more than friends. I think we should try things out. The truth is I've been trying to gather up the courage to ask you for months now" he chuckles, "so what do you say? Will you go out with me?"

Of course I said yes. I liked him a lot, and the fact that a guy like him would ever like me, amazed me. He came over to meet my family after my dad insisted. Eli was always skeptical of him. But I always dismissed his concerns.

I should have noticed the signs sooner. It started out with small things like when he would hold my hand too tight, or glare at anyone who even so much as glanced at me. Then he started blaming me. He blamed me for wearing provocative clothing. He blamed me for not spending enough time with him. He blamed me for not taking our relationship to the next level.

He started to become more forceful. He wasn't the same guy I fell in love with.

12th grade came around and everyone was excited. Prom passed by and it was finally graduation. I can honestly say that I loved him. Even his aggressive side. He would tell me he was that way because he loved me. And I believed him. I couldn't believe how long we stayed together. He was my first boyfriend after all.

Evan and I, Mickey included, wanted to celebrate graduating with a night out. So of course the first thing Mickey suggested was the club. To my surprise Evan agreed. I didn't want to be the odd one out so I went without hesitation.

Big mistake.

All of us decided to sit at the lounge, having a great time. That's before alcohol came into the equation. I didn't mind alcohol at the time. I hated drinking it, but I could tolerate it. I didn't want to take any chances so I decided to be the responsible one and sit this one out. Mickey was on her 5th shot while Evan was on his 3rd. I tried to get them to lay off the drinks but they wouldn't listen.

"Evan! Are you sure you can handle another drink? You haven't had much to eat!" I tried yelling over the loud music. He apparently doesn't seem to hear me. He sloshes his drink around while he dances in the small space of the lounge. This turned out to be a bad idea, because he clumsily spills it all over himself.

"Evan! Sit down let me grab some napkins!" I rush over to the bar to grab a towel or something, but it's far too crowded. I quickly decide to grab toilet paper from the bathroom stalls. I'm out in a flash, pushing people away to get back to the lounge. When I finally get back, Mickey is sprawled on the couch clearly passed out. My eyes scan the area for Evan.

"I got you some paper towe-"

I stopped dead in my tracks. He's sitting down with a girl? She's perched on his lap with her hands wrapped around his neck. But that's not even the worse part. He's kissing her. Hungrily. They're literally sucking each others faces. By this point I'm so confused, hurt, and angry. I march over and pry the girl off of him.

"What the hell was that?" I yell while tears escape freely from my eyes. The red head leaves without even saying a word.

He takes a minute before processing things. Abruptly, he stands up and tries to hug me. But I quickly push him away.

"Don't." I whisper.

"Babe have fun." his breath stinks of alcohol and I have to resist the urge to gage. He once again grabs my waste and begins kissing along my neck.

"Do you even realize what you just did?"

"Huh? What come here I love you.." he says slurring his words clearly having no recollection on what just happened a few seconds ago.

"No Evan! I want to leave! Please."

He tries forcing himself on me. Trying to kiss me, leaving trails on my face. I try to push him away but he's too strong.

"Get off me!" this seems to snap him out of his trance, at least I thought it did. His confused expression is changed with an angry one? He finally releases me.

"Why did I even bother going to with you?" he says barely audible but I still manage to hear him.

"Why did I waste my time with someone as ugly as you?bI could have had any girl I wanted you know? Any girl! But you kept showing up and acting like an attention whore! What's wrong with you Emma? No one will ever love you! Not even Mickey will stick with you, I promise you that! You are a worthless, pathetic, ungrateful bitch!"

As if is words didn't hurt enough he, without any warning, slaps me right across my face.

I immediately grab my face. My eye feels like its swelling up. The pain is unbelievable. I didn't process anything that had happened. I knew I would break if I had. So I grab my stuff and run over to wake up Mickey, and finally get out of that stupid club.


So Evan huh? He's such a lovely guy!!1!1!

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