Chapter 53

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Emma's POV.

I stand there, not knowing what to do. The flashes from the cameras and blindingly bright and Josh's arms wraps protectively around my waist.

"Crap." We run over to my house and I can barely hear myself think because of the paparazzi's yelling.

"Josh who is this?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Is this your next fling?"

"Crap crap crap." he finally pulls me out of the rain and into the house.

His arm never leaves my waist.

"Was that-"

"Paparazzi. I'm so stupid! I should have known they would find us." he peaks out of the window and grunts in frustration.

"Are they gone?" was there just one of them or more?

"No. I'm so sorry, Ems."

"It's not your fault." I touch his arm. He tenses up but immediately relaxes when he realizes that it's only me trying to comfort him.

"Yes it is."

"No, it's not." he stares at me and begins to laugh.

"You're all wet."

"So are you." I point out. His hair is drenched and falls slightly over his eyes.

"Are those my clothes you're wearing?" he smiles.

"...yeah I didn't think you would come back." I shrug barley keeping my cheeks from flushing red. The clothes are clinging to me and I suddenly realize something. I'm wearing a white shirt. White shirts are see through when wet. And of course I'm wearing a black bra.

"Oh God." I quickly turn away from him.

"What wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing." maybe he didn't notice.

"Josh? Emma? Why are you guys soaking wet?" Mickey runs down from the stairs.

"Long story." I say.

"I think they're gone." Josh pokes his head out the door.

"It's about time." I sigh.

"You should probably change into something dry before you get sick." Josh tells me.

"So should you! You can't afford to get sick. You're touring soon." Mickey says.

"I guess you're right. I should probably leave now."

"Wait Josh!" I stop him.


I turn to Mickey giving her a look she immediately understands.

"I'll be leaving now bye!" she skips away.

"She's an odd one." Josh says resulting in me laughing.

"That she is."

We sort of just stand there, with our clothes dripping against the hard wood floor. I still haven't processed what had happened. Did Josh really miss me? Did I kiss him back?

He loves me? I don't understand how anyone could ever find me attractive.

"Thank you for coming back."

"Thank you for forgiving me. I am forgiven right?"

"Yes completely."

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in for a hug. Even soaking wet Josh smells good.

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