Chapter 17

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Emma's POV.

The room is cold and dark and all I could hear is the sound of our breathing. Connor turns on the lights and we kind of just stand there in the bedroom for a while.

"Connor look I know it was a dare but..."

"Woah, Emma. I would never force you to do anything you wouldn't want to do okay?" he says meaningfully.

"Thank you so much literally for everything. We've only just met but I feel like I know you. Thank you." I embrace him in a hug.

"Yeah I feel like I know you too." he says while scratching the back of his neck.

"We have about four minutes left what do you want to do?" I asks shivering.

"Well here let me get you a blanket." he walks over to a closet and brings out a big blanket for us to share.

"Here let's sit down." we walk over to the edge of the bed and he puts the blanket around him and myself, leaving a distance between us.

"I have something I need to talk to you about." he says twiddling his fingers.

"What's wrong?" I ask suddenly nervous myself.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." he says.


"I'm not who I say I am.."

"What do you mean? Is this some sort of joke? Did someone dare you to do this?"

"No Emma really. I've been... I've been pretending to be someone I'm not so you would notice me. You've actually known me for two months." he says.

"I don't understand..."

My head is pounding against my skull. Something bad is about to happen, I can feel it.

"Em, Emma. Look at me," I lift my head to look at his face, "I was the one you were texting for the last two months. I'm the one who saved your life. I'm the one who's been there for you. I know practically every thing about you. And you know every thing about me. Except you thought I was someone else all along. Emma, I was texting you as my brother... Josh." he looks at me waiting for my answer. But there is a knock at the door.

"Lovebirds your time is up." Evelyn says faintly audible from the other side of the door.

"Can you give us a couple of minutes?" Connor replies back.

"Whateveerrr you sayyyy."

"Emma. Say something. Please." he says placing his hands on top of mine. Instantly I jerk back.

"Don't touch me!" I yell hurrying away to the other side of the room.

"Emma come on. I'm still the guy you know. But with a different face and name. I don't want to lose you Em, just please understand." he begs.

"How do you expect me to understand? I don't know you! How can I ever forgive you? I want to understand but I just can't. Do you know how dumb this makes me look? Walking around your house thinking I liked Josh when it was actually you. I was mad at him the whole day for acting like he didn't know me. But I guess he doesn't does he? How could you do something like this to me? You are a sick person!" I ramble on tears pouring from my eyes. Why do I always seem so weak?

"You actually me?" he stutters.

"Is that the only thing you heard? Do you even care about how I'm feeling right now?"

"Of course I care Emma, I'm still your friend. I will always be your friend." he says walking over to me.

"I don't think you do." I squeeze my eyes shut hoping I could wake up from this nightmare.

"Hey, come here." He trys to hug me again.

"I said don't touch me! Please!" I push away from him and sprint out of the room.

Before I leave I hear him say one last thing.

"Emma wait! I'm in love with you."

Josh's POV.

"Bbut.." Emma doesn't get to finish her sentence as she's pulled into Connor's bedroom.

"Why would you dare him to do that!" I yell at Evelyn. I run a frustrated hand through my hair.

"That is so not cool!" Mickey yells agreeing with me.

"Hey a dare's a dare." Evelyn says trying to defend herself.

"You know what..." I walk over to open the door leading into the room they went to.

"Josh! Why do you even care?" Evelyn screams. Realizing what I was doing, I release the door nob and return to my seat.

I don't care. Do I?

"I don't know." I sigh.

I've been having some really weird feelings about Emma since this morning. I haven't seen her in what felt like years. And then she walked back into my life. Her beauty was radiant. I almost forgot how intrigued I was by her when we first met. I constantly find myself staring into her eyes, her beautiful green eyes. Her personality lights up a room even though she's really shy. I don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of her. I want to know more about her. How she really is and if I'm right for having these feelings about her.

When we were watching Insidious, I sat next Mickey and asked her a few questions. And by the time we finished talking I knew. I like Emma. I really do.

And when she kissed me... it felt like the whole world disappeared and it was only me and her. Did she feel it too? I've never felt this way about anyone before. I couldn't fight the chills I got throughout my body when her lips were on mine, and I had to keep myself from deepening it. I want to get to know her and see where everything goes, if it's meant to be or not. But now she's in a freakin room with my brother, doing God knows what. How did I ever get caught up in this mess? Minutes pass by and it feels like eternity when the five minutes are up.

"Lovebirds your time is up." Evelyn knocks on the door to the room.

"Can you give us a couple of minutes?" Connor replies back from the other side.

Evelyn looks back at us raising her eyebrows.

"Whateveerrr you sayyyy."

Mickey approaches me and sits down.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I ask my temper rising.

"Josh, calm down trust me Emma would never even think about doing anything with Connor. Especially since he's your brother. " I slowly relax but then tense up once again when I hear yelling coming from the room.

"I'm going in there whether you guys like it or not." They nod their replies as I rush towards the door.

"Yeah, you better."

Right as I'm about open the door, it shoots straight open and someone runs into me.

"Emma?" I place both of my hand around her to keep her from falling,"are you okay?"

"Sorry." she manages to say. Tears spill from her eyes. She struggles out of my hold and runs past me and out of the front door.

I can't stop the anger rising in my chest. What did he do to her?

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