Chapter 10

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Mickey's POV.

My head pounding against my skull. Ugh how much did I drink last night? I don't remember getting back to Emma's house and especially not into her bed. Someone must have carried me. Probably Elijah. A small smile creeps onto my face. Emma had her arms around my waist probably mistaken me for her Teddy Bear.


"Hey Good morning." said a deep voice. Definitely not Emma's.

I scream and end up falling off of the bed. I ran as fast as I could out of that room wandering aimlessly around knowing where nothing was. I see an open door and quickly lock myself inside of it.

"Mickey?" the deep voice says.

"Who's there? Who are you? How do you know my name?Where's Emma? I'm licensed in Kung Fu!" I yell cowering away to the corner of the bathroom.

"Hey calm down its me? From the club last night?" the club last night? Shit. Everything comes rushing back to me. Well almost everything. I slowly open the door and peer out. The guy is sitting against the wall looking at me.

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise." he says with pure concern in his eyes.

"Oh my god. What time is it?" I ask sitting next to him.

"A little after 9 am.. Do you remember last night at all?" he asks.

"Not really but I remember going to a club with Emma. Talking to a guy, which I'm guessing was you, dancing with you and that's it." I say.

"Oh. I see." he says sounding a little disappointed.

"Why would Emma leave me alone at the club? Do you know where my phone is? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"It's Adam." he says handing me my cell phone.

"Thanks, Adam." I say as I dial Emma's cell phone number. No answer.

"She's not picking up... Let me try one more number." she is probably still sleeping. I quickly dial Emma's house phone number and on the third ring someone answers.


Double shit.

I'm so stupid. Of course Eli would answer. He's always up early.

"Um yeah hi Eli can I speak with Emma?" my voice sounds shaky and Adam looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Mickey? Is that you? Em is still asleep is everything okay?" he asks.

"Yea everything's fine I'm fine, I think. I sort of need someone to pick me up. You know I wouldn't bother you but I just need to get out of here." my words come out barely audible.

"I'm on my way where are you at?"

"I'm... Wait Adam where do you live?" I ask leaning toward him.

"Straight down from Hollywood and a right at the first light." he says uncomfortably.

"Did you hear that Eli?" I ask

"Wait who was that? Who's there with you? Are you sure you're okay?" He says, worry etched in his voice.

"I'm fine can you just please hurry up? I have to go." I say hanging up the phone. All of a sudden I start crying into my hands.

"Hey whats wrong?" Adam says trying to hug me. I jerk away from his touch.

"Don't touch me please." I say in between breaths.

"I'm sorry. " he says looking very guilty and sad.

"No I'm sorry. Look I don't know what happened last night and it bothers me so much that I don't know. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings in any way."

"Mickey, nothing happened last night. You had no ride home and I couldn't take you home because in your drunken state you didn't know where you lived. I just made sure you had some place to crash. Nothing happened I swear." Adam says with a small but sincere smile.

"Wow thank you so much. No one has ever been that considerate towards me. Thank you Adam." I walk over to him a give him a big hug.

"Don't worry about it. It was nice getting to know you. I left my number in your contacts. If you ever need anything give me a call okay? Are you sure you don't remember anything you said last night? Anything you said to your friend?"

"Not that I know of?" My eyebrows scrunch up in thought. "Thank you for leaving me your number. You seem like a really cool guy. I hope we can catch up someday. My ride should be here soon so I better get going."

"Yeah defiantly. I'll walk you out." he says leading the way.

Elijah's POV.

Mickey's phone call worried me tremendously. What was she doing in Hollywood? Why was there a guy with her? I pulled up to where she was staying. She hugged a guy who I'm guessing was on the phone and she she slowly approached the car. She still had on that tight dress from yesterday and her makeup was smudged on her face like she was crying.

"Mickey, my god are you alright?"

"Hi Eli I'm fine." she says with no tone in her voice. She might as well be a robot.

"Why were you crying? Who's house is this?" I ask leaning over to sweep a piece of hair out of her face. She blushes.

"Don't worry about it." she says.


"If you really want to know, me and Em went clubbing last night bla bla bla I slept at this guy's house." she says, still with no tone.

"Wait is he the one who made you cry? What did he do to you? I swear if he touched you.." I was furious.

"Eli stop okay it was as much as my fault as it was his can we just go I don't want to talk about it. " she says finally with anger in her voice.

"As long as you're okay..."

The car ride was dead silent. It was really uncomfortable. What happened between Adam and Mickey? I know Mickey has done something like this before. She has a reputation for sleeping around at guys' houses. But I thought she was over that. My mind keeps wandering back to when she kissed me two days ago. Wow two days. I can still feel her lips pressed against mine. And by the look on her face, she was thinking about it too. We finally park into the driveway and I stop the engine.

"So Mickey.. About the other day.." I start.

"Thanks for picking me up." she says then hurries toward the house.

So much for that.

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