Chapter 40

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Emma's POV.


"We heard everything." Connor says.

"Everything?" I begin to smile.

"Yes everything. We wanted to see if you were alright so we went after you and saw that you were talking to Chloe..." Mickey says.

"Oh thank god!" I give them both a hug, grateful that they finally believe me.

"I feel horrible that we were fooled by her, and didn't listen to you. She's evil! Just plain rude!" he says.

"Yeah you should feel bad."

"But why did you just stand there and not defend yourself in front of her?" Mickey asks.

"Because I didn't want to urge her on. I just wanted to leave there as soon as possible. Plus, most of the things she said were true."

"Emma are you kidding me? Nothing she said to you was even remotely true!" Connor insists.

"Ugh. Whatever but guys, what are we going to do about Josh? He doesn't realize that he's dating an evil brat." I say.

"Shoot. I still can't believe he doesn't see through her act.." Mickey begins.

"Hey! You two couldn't see it too!"

"True. Well I suggest that we should just approach this situation heads on. We should go up to Josh, tell him about Chloe, and everything will be fine." Connor suggests.

"I wish it was that easy but I doubt he'll listen to us. I mean we can try to tell him but I think he'll need proof." Mickey adds.


"Well let's go!"

We race upstairs, hoping that Josh would be alone. To our disappointment, he wasn't. In fact, there wasn't much talking going on through the door, which grossed me out immensely.

"Maybe we should knoc-"

"Josh! Can you come out here for a second!" Mickey yells.

There's sounds of shuffling from the door, until a flustered Josh walks out. His hair is a mess and he's breathing heavily. Oh my god this is so awkward.

Shoot me.

"Huh? Yeah."

"Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing," Connor coughs uncomfortably, "but we have some information that you would want to hear."

"What kind of information? Can't we just do this tomorrow or something because-"

"No you really need to hear this." Mickey says.

All the while I'm just casually standing there, trying not to look at Josh. He makes me nervous. I have no idea why. And the fact that he was with her, makes me extremely uncomfortable.

"Right Em?"

"What huh?"

"Do you want to tell him?" she asks.

I shoot her a look that she immediately understands.

"Okay we'll I guess I'll tell ya." she begins.

Mickey tells him everything, with Connor occasionally adding on. I'm just glad I don't have to retell everything that has happened in what, one day? Wow how has all of this happened in one day? Life was so much simpler when boys were never involved.


I immediately snap out of my trance, for the second time. I look up to find everyone staring at me. I quickly look back down.

"Is what they said true?" Josh asks.

I nod.

"How do you expect me to believe that? I think I would have noticed if she was putting on an act. She is one of the nicest people I know."

"You apparently don't know her if you think she's nice." I say.

"Coming from the person who's been nothing but mean to her!"

"You are just clueless aren't you? I gave her chance. I tried to like her for everyone's sake, but you wouldn't even like her if it wasn't for her looks! You're too blinded by her looks to notice anything else!"

"That is not true! If you even tried to get to know her-"

"Guys! You're missing the point here! Josh, do you want to see for yourself how she acts when you're not around? When no ones around, besides Emma?" Connor asks.

"Well if it'll get you guys off our backs then yeah." he huffs.

Seriously what did I ever do to him?

"Go on then." Josh says nodding towards the door.

I roll my eyes before entering the room. Let's just get this over with.

"Why are you in here?" Chloe asks with an edge to her voice when I appear on the doorway.

"I just wanted to talk things out with you." I start.

She gives me a weird look before telling me to continue.

"I promise you I'm not at all interested in Josh. And at I'm happy that you two are together." I purposely raise my voice so Josh could hear every last detail.

"I still don't believe you. I doubt that anyone does. They couldn't care less about you. Josh included. Your trying to convince yourself but it's not working honey. You should quit now before you make a fool out of yourself. As much as guys say that 'looks don't matter,' they do. That's why he's with me and not some frail little girl like you.

Maybe you should just stay out of his life completely and spare us all the trouble. His life, and our relationship would do so much better without you in it. So I suggest that you back off or so help me I will make your life a living hell. Okay?" she tries to dumb everything down to 'my level' so I can hear her loud and clear.

"Okay thanks buh bye!" I say giving her a happy look before skipping off. I hastily open and close the door, taking deep breaths.

"Please tell me you heard that."


But hey Josh and Emma tension going on! Any predictions? I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Goodnight/morning/afternoon

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