Chapter 54

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Emma's POV.

It's still a bit chilly when I leave the house but the rain has cleared away. As I take off in my car, the streets are noticeably wet. It probably wasn't the best idea to meet at a park. I vaguely remember where it's located but I do know it's somewhere near Josh's house.

Sure enough, it doesn't take me long to reach my destination. I scan the area for Josh but I don't see him. But that's when a guy in a dark hoodie approaches my car. I'm slightly worried until I see him lift his head.

"Hey Josh."

"Hey it's pretty wet out here, there's no where for us to sit."

Us. That one word has so much meaning now.

"Come in it's cold out there."

He hops in the car a second later.

"Are you and your dad okay?" he asks me.

"I don't think so. He doesn't understand anything that's going on." I shake my head.

He urges me to continue.

"He doesn't like the idea of.. well us."

"My dad said the same thing."

Ouch. I thought he liked me.

"I thought your dad liked me."


"He doesn't know what he's talking about." Josh assures me.

"I'm just ready to leave you know? I'm eighteen and technically an adult. I'm moving out in two weeks."

"Two weeks? Where are you going to go?"

"UCLA. It's better than staying there."

"I don't think you should be running away from your problems..." he begins.

"It's not like that. I think it is about time I left. And it seems like the perfect time to do so since you're leaving..."

"In three weeks."

"In three weeks." I repeat.

"How are we going to do this?"

"I'll call you everyday and we can Skype. Everything will be fine okay? Let's not think about that right now."


"I mean it Em, we can't think about being apart right now when we only just-"

A loud noise interrupts him. A loud noise? It sounds like screaming. I turn my gaze to the park and the source of screaming reveals itself.

Girls. Teenaged girls. And each one of them are running towards my car.

"Emma drive!"

Right as I turn the key in the ignition, someone slams into my door.

"It's Josh Hutcherson!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is that your girlfriend?"

"Josh! I love you!"

And just like that, my car is surrounded.

"What are we going to do?!" I try screaming over the loud voices.

"Let me try something." he says trying to concentrate. He slowly rolls down one of his windows and I begin to panic.

"Guys! Hey!" he shouts out the window.

Instantly everyone stops screaming. That's the kind of effect he has.

"I'm sorry but we have to go. Can you please clear the area so we can leave safely?"

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