Chapter 38

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Mickey's POV.

"Why did you say yes?!" Emma yells at me.

"Come on this might be fun." I wink.

"We'll see.."

"She's really that bad?" Connor asks.

"I think I might have lost all respect for Josh because of her. Not just because of her personality, just the fact that she's a, you know." Emma says.

"You never know, she might not be. She could just be a very sensual person. Let's just see how things go okay?" she nods in agreement.

"Come on." Connor leads the way. We all walk into the living room finding that Josh is putting in a DVD while Chloe sits alone like a lost puppy.

"Are you alright with watching The Breakfast Club?" he asks. We all nod in agreement. This is one of my favorite movies.

Emma sits the furthest away she can get from Chloe. I sit besides her and Connor sits on the other side. This is going to be interesting.

Josh's POV.

I tense up immediately when I notice that Connor and Emma are sitting next to each other. But why wouldn't they? I guess they're going out now. Who cares though right? I have Chloe.

"You okay?" Chloe whispers in my ear.

"Mhmm." I pull her in for a long and much needed kiss. Let's see how Emma feels about that.

Emma's POV.

Not even five minutes into the movie and they are already making out. Mickey looks over to me and I roll my eyes. I hope this movie ends soon.

When they finally finish eating each others faces, Josh decides to talk.

"I probably should introduce you guys to Chloe. Chloe this is my brother Connor." they wave to each other.

"That's Mickey." they give each other a quick smile.

"And that's Emma." he says with no emotion whatsoever. Wow I guess everyone hates me after all. It stings coming from him. What did I even do?We were practically friends a couple days ago.

"We've met." I say dully.

"Yes we have! It's nice to meet all of you!" she replies happily.

Are you kidding me? She's so fake. I bet Josh doesn't even know how she really is. He's so clueless sometimes.

"So Josh. Tell me, how did you two meet?" I raise my eyebrows clearly annoyed. I sit up straighter looking for an answer.

This question takes him by surprise.

"Umm a mutual friend."


"How cute." I huff slouching back down on the sofa.

"Hey, ease up a bit." Connor whispers.

"Why should I?"

He shrugs me off. The movie continues on and, thankfully, they don't kiss or anything like that. But Chloe laughs at everything. Every single thing. Things that aren't even remotely funny and I've just about had it.

She lets out yet another squeaky laugh, and that's all it takes to set me off.

"Seriously what's so freaking funny?! God you're so annoying."

I sound harsher than I meant to but I'm just really irritated. Everyone looks at me astonished. I'm not used to having little outbreaks like that. I guess I'm always on the edge now.

"Emma!" Mickey says.

All of a sudden, Chloe starts crying. Of course she does.

"That was uncalled for." Josh leads Chloe out the room, leaving Conner, Mickey, and I. Their mouths still hang open.

"Close your mouths. You'll catch flies."

"That was mean." Connor says.

"Come on we were all thinking it."

"Yeah but that's not something you say to someone! I can't believe you of all people would say that! She seemed really nice!" says Mickey.

"Wow you guys believed that?! She's so fake! I guess you two and Josh are too blind to see that!" I defend myself.

"Are you sure you're not just jealous?" she asks.

"Why would I be jealous? I can't even look at Josh in the same way again. Do you know how it feels to think you know someone but it turns out that they're a complete liar? No I don't think you do."

All of us stay silent for a moment. I know it's a lot to take in, all that has happened. But I have to admit, maybe I was a little inconsiderate. Hesitantly, I get up.

"I'm going to apologize. Can you guys stop looking at me like I'm some sort of ticking bomb."

I walk out of the living room to find out where they went. I'm guessing that they're upstairs so I make my way there. Slowly, I approach Josh's room, listening for any sudden sounds.

"You don't think I'm annoying do you?"

"Of course you're not she's probably in a bad mood."

"I've been nothing but nice to her. I don't understand." Chloe sniffles.

I angrily swing the door open, tired of listening to there nonsense. I calm down my breathing before speaking.

"Josh can you give Chloe and I a moment?"

He looks over at Chloe asking if it's okay. She nods and gives him a hug. Josh gets up to leave but stops when he's next to me.

"Watch what you say to her, she's sensitive." he whispers. I shrug him off as I make my way to Chloe.

Josh closes the door behind him.

"Hey I'm sorry for what I said, it was mean and -"

"Save it." she lifts up her hand to silence me. She looks mad, but even though she has tears on her face, she looks like she hasn't been crying at all.


She starts laughing. Laughing!

"I told you to back off. I know that you like him. But he's with me okay? You're just showing him how messed up you really are."

"Firstly, I don't like him and I don't know what kind of game your playing but-"

"No just stay away from him. I told you he would never fall for a girl like you. Stop trying you just look desperate. Trust me, I can make you seem a lot worse than you actually are."

"Wow and here I am actually feeling sorry for you. You know what you're just a bitc-"

"She's a what?!" at that moment Josh decides to enter the room. Of course he does. Because I have such great luck.

"Nothing." I get up and try to walk out of the room but Josh's voice stops me.

"Emma can I see you for a second."

I silently agree. We stand in the hallway and I cross my arms. I don't know why I'm so mad. Actually I do. Chloe doesn't deserve someone as great as Josh and the fact that he doesn't know how rude she is infuriates me.

"Why are you acting like this?" he asks.

"You wouldn't believe me." I can feel my eyes starting to water up. Of course he'll believe anything she says to him. She pretty, and I'm me. I decide that I don't want to waste my breath.

"I thought you were different." he says softly.

"I could say the same about you."

He raises his hand and I immediately flinch, preparing myself for impact. But instead, he wipes away my tears.

"Emma I wasn't going to hit you." he looks shocked.

"S-sorry. I'm sorry." I have no idea what I'm apologizing for but I quickly walk away, leaving him standing there confused.

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