Chapter 11

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Emma's POV.

The sun flooded through my window, waking me up from my restless sleep. I still couldn't process what Mickey said to me. Why would she ever think that? I understand that she was drunk but there's always truth in a drunk man's words.

What time is it?

I wander over to the clutch I took last night and find my phone.

1 missed call and 4new messages. Of course a missed call from Mickey. Probably to apologize. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive her. Not after what she said to me. I scroll through my messages and find an unknown number. That's weird. I open the message and stare at it in shock. No shock isn't the right word. I'm either going to pass out or scream with excitement. I read the message over and over again.

Josh: Hey Emma it's Josh thank you for returning my wallet. I hope we could catch up sometime ;)

Josh Hutcherson texted me.

What do I do? What do I say holy crap no this is not happening. Is there a book called How To Text Josh Hutcherson For Dummies because I could really use that right about now.

I look at when he sent the message only to find out that I'm a day late in responding. He must think I'm ignoring him. Oh god I need to text back right now.

Emma: Hi, Josh. Wow this is super late sorry about that. And it was really no problem, it seemed like the right thing to do. Yes we should catch up soon!

Sent. Oh my god I sent him a text message. That explanation point made me look so desperate! He's never going to text me back now. Why do I always ruin everything?

After contemplating ways to destroy myself, I hear a text notification. My eyes widen at my screen.

This is not happening.

Josh: Haha it's alright. How are you?

Emma: I'm okay I guess. Better now.

Josh: What's wrong babe?


Did he just call me babe? Oh my god he just called me babe.

Emma: I don't want to waste your time with my problems

Josh: Don't be ridiculous you could never waste my time xx

Emma: thanks.Well you see my friend said some really messed up things to me last night while she was drunk and it just really got to me. She's all I got you know? As much as I want to hate her, I just can't. Because maybe there was truth in her words.

Josh: I'm sure she didn't mean it, love. People say a lot of things they aren't suppose to say while they're drunk. Don't worry about it just talk to her and see where things go okay?

Emma: Yeah I guess you're right thank you so much.

Right as I sent the text there was a knock at the door.

"Emma? Can I come in?" Defiantly Mickey's voice. I think I will be able to forgive her but now's not the time.

"Go away!" I yell laying underneath the covers.

"You know I have a key to your door right?" Oh shoot that's right. I run across the room to the door and push with all of my weight so she wouldn't get in.

"Emma let me in!" suddenly the door bursts open and I'm sprawled across the floor.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" I huff and try to walk out of the door but she has it blocked. I cross my arms clearly annoyed.

"What's up with you?" she asks confused. Her makeup was smudged all over her face and she was still in the same dress from last night. She looks as crappy as she made me feel.

I run over to my bed and lie underneath the covers with a pillow over my head. I feel a shift on the bed indicating that Mickey was laying next to me. I can't even look at her right now.

"Emma, I know you don't like clubs but leaving me alone was not cool." I lift my head out of the covers astonished. That's the first thing she says to me? Really?

"You deserved it." I sneer.

"I didn't even do anything?"

Wait. She doesn't remember what she said to me. Seriously?

"Are you serious? You don't remember what happened last night? You don't remember what you said to me? I've had it with you! You know you're suppose to have my back and not go against me! Did you know that while you were grinding all over that guy last night, someone was feeling me up, trying to take advantage of me? Just get out of my room! Just get out!" I scream tears running freely down my face.

"Woah, wait..."

"Get out now!" she finally realizes that I'm serious and hesitantly leaves the room while I start sobbing.

Josh: Good :) I don't want what she said to ruin your relationship with each other

Emma: Too late for that.

Mickey's POV.

What just happened? Oh god what did I say to her last night?

"What going on? It sounds like someone's dying up here." Eli walks up the stairs and sees the look on my face.

"Mickey what's going on?"

"I-I don't know. She just started yelling at me. I think I might have said something to her while I was drunk last night. What could I have possibly said? Oh my god I'm a terrible friend!"

"Don't be silly I'm sure it wasn't anything too bad. She'll calm down in no time." he assures me. All of a sudden, Emma's door opens. She looks terrible. She's been crying and looks like she had a restless sleep.

"Do you really not remember what you said?" I sadly shake my head.

"You said that I don't know how to have fun. You said that I'm a pathetic friend and that no one will ever love me." Her voice breaks at the end and at this point I had tears in my eyes.

"Emma you know I didn't mean it.." I begin.

"That's not even the worse part. You said that that's the reason why Evan dumped me and I deserved every thing he did to me. Every. Single. Thing. And you know what the sad part about that is? I'm starting to believe you." and with that, she slams the door shut.

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