Chapter 19

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Mickey's POV.

"What's taking him so long! I hope he found her." the anticipation was killing me. I need to know that she was fine, that she was safe.

"She'll be okay Emma's a strong person." Connor says. I give him a nasty look.

All of a sudden the door shoots open and Josh comes walking with Emma in his arms. Their clothes drip on the floor.

"Emma!" I quickly run to her side. She stirs in her sleep and lazily opens her eyes.

"Mickey? Where are we?" She runs her tired eyes and snuggles into Josh's chest.

"We're at Josh's house remember?"

She looks confused at first and then looks up, just now noticing that Josh was carrying her.

"Are you alright? You just ran off without any warning. I found you sleeping on a park bench while it was pouring outside." Josh wrinkles his eyebrows.

She blushes a deep shade of red when she realizes that she been in Josh's arms this whole time.

"I'm fine just really really cold." her teeth chatter as she speaks.

"You need to get dried up before you get sick. Mickey, can you help her find the bathroom? I'll go make you some tea."

"Yeah. I'm just so glad that you're okay Em."

Josh gently puts Emma down realizing that he no longer had to carry her.

"Thanks, Josh." she says with a genuine smile in which he returns.

I run and give her a giant hug but then soon realize how much she was shivering.

"Come on let's go get you warmed up."

We make our way to an empty bathroom that had a shower.

"Your going to be fine Emma. Whatever Connor said to you doesn't matter because he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about." I say giving her a tight hug.

"Thanks Mickey." her voice trembles.

"Take a hot shower okay? Just let me know if you need anything." She agrees and I head out the door glad that she's back.

Emma's POV.

Did I really fall asleep in the rain? How is that even possible? I guess I was tired and I sure as heck still am. I'm just glad Josh was able to find me before anything else happened. It's nice to be back in the warmth because just a minute ago I felt as if I was going to die from coldness. I turn the shower on as hot as it would go, letting the room fog up.

About twenty minutes later I finally finish up and decide it's best not to think about what happened today. Or yesterday? I forget what time it is. And I promise myself that I won't cry for the rest of the month. I'm pretty sure it's not healthy wasting all of these tears on boys. I reach for a towel on the rack and wrap it around myself. The mirror fogs up with steam so I decide to wipe it off with my hand. And my reflection is horrifying. Why am I so pale? I literally look like a ghost and the bags under my eyes are huge.

Connor is in love with this beast staring back at me? Yeah right.

After criticizing myself, I search the bathroom for clothes with no avail. There was only a towel hung up.

"Mickey!" I call outside the door.

"Mickalya!!" nothing.


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