Chapter 6

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Mickey's POV.

I wake up obviously still tired. I observe my surroundings. How did I end up in Emma's room? I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the living room floor. As I turn my head I see an amusing sight. Emma is faintly snoring and had a tight grip on her teddy bear. It's the teddy bear Evan gave her months ago. I sigh realizing that she still slept with it and probably still has feelings for that jerk. I decide not to wake her up just yet and roll over to check my phone for new messages.

*5 new messages from Fake Mom*

Yes I had my foster mom's name as 'Fake Mom' in my contacts. I know it sounds kind of harsh but it's not like she is my real mom. Not bothering to open the messages, I checked the time. 7:23 am. Great. What am I doing up so early? I suddenly caught a whiff of a delicious smell. Bacon. Holy crap bacon. I shoot up out of the bed, grabbed my phone, and ran towards the kitchen. And there I saw a delightful sight. Elijah was making bacon while dancing to a song on his IPod . I couldn't help but admire his beauty. He has a full set of brown hair and an athletes body. Not to mention his eyes. His eyes were the most memorizing blue you would ever see.

He was perfect. But I couldn't like him. I don't like him. That would just be to0 weird. All of a sudden he starts to sing out loud which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"My tummy's turnin' and I'm feelin' kinda home sick too much pressure and I'm nervous, that's when the taxi man turned on the radio and a Jay-Z song was on.."

I was on the floor dying of laughter as he belted out Party in the U.S.A by Miley Cyrus. I quickly pull out my phone and hit the record button. Just when I thought he couldn't get any cuter. He continued on dancing until he spun around facing me. His face was priceless. He was blushing so hard he turned the color of a tomato.

"Good morning Mickey." he said awkwardly scratching his neck.

"Why hello there Eli." I couldn't help but smile at his embarrassment.

"Umm how long have you been standing there?" he asks while staring at the ground.

"Long enough." I smirk.

"Oh God this is awkward."

"For you, not me. Don't worry I saw 'nothing'." I say using air quotes.

"Thanks." he says clearly still worried. I mean I would be worried to. I will make sure that he never lived this moment down.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"I thought you would never ask!" I yell excitedly running over and giving him a hug.

"Mickey. Can't. Breathe." He chokes out.

"Sorry not sorry." I make my way to the little breakfast table to the far right of the room and wait to be served. Clearly taking his time, Eli takes both of our plates and heads towards the table.

"Here you go my lady."

"Why thank you kind sir." we always have these weird coupley moments. I knew it meant nothing to him but it really made my heart stirr. Stop Mickey just stop. The breakfast looks delicious.

There's pancakes drenched in syrup, just how I like it, bacon, eggs, and to top it off, he even made hot cocoa. This. Is. Heaven.

We eat in silence with only the faint clicking of our forks on the plate. I decide to break that silence and tell him what was bothering me.

"Eli. I'm worried that Emma still has feelings for Evan." I say silently.

His fist instantly clenches around his knife at the mention of that name. He lets out a big huff.

"I've been worried about that too but I swear if he ever touches her again.."

"Calm down. Release the knife. He is defiantly not going to even see her again. I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you upset."

"It's not your fault. Let's just not talk about this right now okay?" I nod my head and quickly change the subject.

"So what are you doing up so early?" I ask honestly wondering why.

"I wake up at 6am every morning to run. I love running in the morning. It's exhilarating." Holy crap that's attractive. I realized I was staring at him so I quickly start drinking my hot chocolate to try to play it off. But I sip it a little to quickly.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" I bolt out of my seat and turn the faucet of the sink on. I'm pretty sure I dunked my whole face in water. Slowly but surely the burning in my tongue subsided.

Eli was laughing from his seat.

"This is not funny." I pout while holding out my tongue to cool down.

"I'm sorry babe come here let me look at it." I scoot over to him and sit on his lap. I look in his direction.

"It hurts!" I complain.

"I'm sure it does. Let me see."

He tilts my chin up to look at my tongue.

"Yeah it looks pretty burnt." he agrees.

"No shit Sherlock."

I stare into his gorgeous eyes and I could have basically melted right then and there. His eyes were like no other. They glimmered under the light and I felt like I was under a spell. A piece of my wet hair falls in front my face. He grazes my wet hair and slowly puts it behind my ear. He was so gentle it made my heart flutter. My eyes flicker down to his lips. Before I know what I'm doing, I grab the collar of his shirt and push my lips to his. It was a rough kiss but amazing in every way. I felt like I was the happiest I could ever be in that moment. Suddenly I realize what I just did, and who I was kissing. I quickly get up from his lap and shift awkwardly out of his way while trying to hold back tears. I couldn't bare to look at his face.

"I'm.. I'm sorry." I run out of the kitchen as fast as I could to the bathroom and let all my tears fall out. Why did I kiss him! He obviously doesn't like me back. While I was thinking these thoughts, reality sunk in. I like Elijah. And despite the fact that I was crying, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

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