Chapter 39

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Mickey's POV.

"Yeah, I don't see it. She doesn't seem mean at all."

"I honestly think its just jealously. No matter how much she denies it, she'll always have feelings for that boy."

Connor and I were talking about the whole Chloe situation. He's actually a cool guy when you get to know him.I don't know what's been up with Em, but she isn't usually this mean. It's like a whole new side of her I've never seen.


I can tell that Connor still has some feelings for her but I think they will go away over time.

The movie is still on and there's about ten minutes left, the best part.


Emma walks in the room, with her eyes red. She's been crying. But she tries to cover it up.

"Can we leave?" she asks.

"What why what happened?"

"It's nothing." she tries to take a deep breath.

"Em come on what happened?"

"Are you okay?" Connor asks.

"Guys I'm fine really. I don't want to talk about it."

We both give her pleading looks until she finally gives in.

"It's Chloe.. she's being really rude and is trying to turn everyone against me. Josh included. Josh doesn't even know how she really is! She's fake. That's all she is. She's manipulating him. And I just really want to leave." she sniffles.

"She wouldn't do that.." I start.

"Josh wouldn't be that clueless. He would never go for someone like that." Connor says.

"But he has! You guys don't even understand. So much for having friends that are on my side. Can we just leave?" she directs her voice towards me.

"I kind of don't want to leave. We just got here! Oh my god we should have a sleep over yeah?" I ask Connor.

"Yeah that would be great!" Connor says enthusiastically.


"Fine." she agrees.


Emma's POV.

I wanted to leave then and there. But I can't just spoil their fun. As much as I want to. And they don't even believe me! How can they be so blind! Is it her 'charm' or how 'nice' she is? Because I know for a fact that she isn't either of those things. Friends are suppose to have each others backs but I guess they completely ignored that.

Why is Chloe targeting me and just me? Why not someone else? She is convinced that I'm madly in love with Josh, which I'm not. Even if I was I wouldn't want to ruin his relationship.

She wants to make me look bad in front of Josh. But I guess it's working on all three of them. Why did I flinch when Josh touched me? I must seem so weak to him. Always crying, just a little girl who needs to grow up. I just don't understand why all of this happens to me.

"What do you y'all want to do?" Mickey asks.

I shrug. Not in the mood to do anything. I wasn't going to pretend to act happy and have fun when I'm literally exhausted from everything.

"Hmm. Truth or Dare?" Connor suggests.

Oh please not this again.



"Okay I call going first! Emma, truth or dare?!" Mickey asks way to cheerfully.

I pick the option that requires minimal effort.


"Of course. Hmm, what is the one thing you dislike the most?"

"Haha. Just one? Well that's hard since I hate everything but lets see, it would have to be people in general."

They both stare at me.

"Umm okay I think we shouldn't play this game." Connor says.

"Agreed." I fake smile.

Wow I'm having too much fun.

"Remember when we played spin the bottle and you had to kiss Josh and Connor! Hah memories." Mickey smiles. I roll my eyes, clearly not in the mood.

"Seriously what's wrong?" she asks.

"What's wrong is that my two best friends don't believe what I say. So sorry for not being happy about that. I'm going to sleep, you guys can do whatever you want. Night." I walk away not bothering to take in their comments.

Before I head over to the room, I make my way to the bathroom. I'm sure there's one close by. I think. How many bathrooms does this house have? I finally find one, and as I'm about to turn the nob I hear someone's voice. Of course it's her. Of course it is. Because she never seems to leave me alone.

"If you don't mind I was going to use the bathroom." she says plastering on a huge fake smile.

"Why don't you just leave me alone. I'll back off just stay out of my life."

"Because, I do not, for one second, believe that you will."

"Well I promise I will okay?"

"Should I just remind you of all the reasons you are unworthy to be apart of his life."

"Seems like you're going to tell me whether I like it it not."

"First reason is because you're ugly."



"I know."

"Not even remotely pretty."

"I'm pretty sure you just said that but okay."

She continues on listing all of my flaws. I already knew they were there, but having someone point them out, constantly, brings on a new set of pain.

"Look at you, not even your friends believe you."

"What? Have you've been watching us? That's kind of creepy."

"Just wait until I get through with Josh. He'll never want to have anything to do with you ever again."

"Nice to know. I hope you two have a wonderful life together."

By this point I'm so done with everything and all I want to do it sleep. I round the corner of the hall when someone taps my shoulder.

"We're so sorry!"

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