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Summary :-: What with Steve being the sexually inexperienced bean he is, he asks Tony to teach him a few things so Tony teaches him a few different kinds of kisses

Warnings :-: Nothing at all, just some good old fluff

Word Count :-: 1890

(Fan art not mine, found on Google
Google search - Stony kiss)

(Hey sinners and welcome to my new one shot book! I have some really awesome ideas for this book and I can't wait to share them with you all so here we go)


Steve sat in the living room, the others off doing what ever they do when they have a day off. And of course Tony was down in the lab, but he did say he would be up soon, but that was over an hour ago and Steve was getting bored of waiting for him.

"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Steve asked as he looked away from the Tv feeling very bored with what was playing. It was probably good, but his mind was in other places and he had lost what was going on and it was no longer making sense to him.

"Yes Captain?" The A.I system asked.

"Do you know how long Tony will be in the lab for?" Steve asked having pondered the thought for some time now, it was just him and Tony in the building today as everyone else was off out doing what they do when they aren't saving the world.

"Sir is actually on his way here now. He was just asking where you were." The British A.I system answered.

"Hey, Cap." Tony spoke as he walked into the living room. "Miss me?" He asked and took a seat next to him after hearing him ask J.A.R.V.I.S where he was, he also couldn't help the smile on his face as he thought of Steve asking for him.

"Just a little." Steve smiled, a small blush on the back of his neck as he saw how close Tony was sitting next to him, not that he minded at all.

"What you watching?" Tony asked as he looked at the Tv and saw what looked to be some kind of romantic movie that Natasha and Clint - could have been Thor for all he knew who was watching it, you never knew with him - had probably been watching,

"I don't know, I think Clint was the last person to watch something so I'm just rolling with it." He answered and looked at the screen seeing the guy picking the girl up in the rain and kissing her with such love and passion it made Steve wish he knew what to do and how to do it. "How do people do that?"

"What?" Tony asked as he looked away from the screen and at Steve with a puzzled look on his face.

"Kiss... like that." Steve answered. The Super Soldier had of course kissed people before, but it was only small pecks, nothing like that, nothing heated and filled with passion and love. "Do you keep your eye open? What do you do with your hands? How can you tell if she likes it? I just have so many questions and, yeah." Steve stopped himself from rambling.

"Well, if you want to, you don't have to, but I could, I mean I wouldn't mind-" Tony stopped his rambling and took a deep breathing, closing his eyes. "If you like you can practice kissing me...." Tony felt his cheeks heating up as he looked down to hid the blush that dusted his cheeks.

"I'd love that." Steve smiled, a bight blush also on his cheeks.

The both of them looking like strawberries. It was adorable.

"Okay, well I guess we can start with a stereotypical kiss? If I look down and you put two fingers under my chin and lift my head up then I'll go left and you go right and after that do what ever feels right." Tony spoke not really knowing how you explain kissing. It was a lot harder than he thought to explain, it's just something you do, wasn't it?

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