You Always Look So Beautiful In The Morning

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Summary :-: Tony always wakes up before Steve and runs to the bathroom to make sure he looks good until one day Steve wakes up before him

Warnings :-: Slight insecurity about looks but it only touches on it

Word Count :-: 915

(Ever have one of those days were anything that could go wrong does? Yeah, I'm having one today)


Tony opened his eyes and looked over to see Steve still sleeping, good, he thought as he got out of then bed the both of them shared. The bed was pretty high up so Tony slid of the bed and crept over to the bathroom in the flat he lived in. 

Steve live a few blocks away, but he and Tony had recently started dating, and after a few glasses of wine, Steve was too lazy to walk home so Tony had offered for him to stay here. They were two months into the relationship now so it was okay for him to stay over right? It wasn't too soon?

Ether way, Tony still crept to the bathroom to made sure he looked okay. He styled his hair and made sure he looked okay. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and then washed his face making sure it was clean, and before he crept back to bed he and sure to put a little toothpaste on his tongue so his breath didn't smell before he crept back into the bed and lay down, putting his head back on the warm pillow and shut his eyes waiting to here a small grumbling sound from Steve so he knew he was awake, and that then he should get up as well.

Tony wasn't sure how long he was waiting for Steve to wake up but he could feel himself falling back asleep until he heard a soft grumbling sound and then he knew Steve was awake so he faked waking up and looked over and Steve who looked beautiful with no effort at all. Tony wished he was like that. That he would just wake up and look prefect.

"Morning doll face." Steve smiled, his Brooklyn accent coming through as he called Tony 'doll face', and leaned over and planted a kiss on Tony's cheek, his breath smelling of wine, but other than that he was prefect. Perfect Steve Rogers, that was him.

"Morning, honey." Tony smiled back, looking at Steve he wished he could look that beautiful in the morning, just to wake up with nice hair and eyes that don't look like they're going though a midlife crisis. He just wanted to look nice so Steve wouldn't think less of him.

The next day it was a birthday for one of Steve's friends and of course Tony had a little too much to drink. Of there was alcohol involved in something Tony was there and would drink it like a fish.

As the both of them left the club the party was in, Tony wobbled on his feel an awful lot and definitely would have fallen flat on his face a number of times it wasn't for Steve catching him every time, and now holding him up to stop him fro falling.

"Stop kicking puddles, your feet are gonna be soaked." Steve spoke as Tony dragged his feet through the dirty watered puddles on the sidewalk.

"Noo, s'fun." Tony slurred as he felt himself being pulled away from them. Steve was right, his legs and feet were now soaked but he was drunk and really didn't care right now.

"Okay then doll." Steve smiled as his boyfriend acted stupid in his drunk form but he knew he soon needed to be taken home and put to bed.

It took them both an extra ten minutes get home because after Tony had stopped kicking puddles he kept complaining about wet feet to Steve had carry him. But that was okay, he wasn't that heavy, and Steve was strong so it didn't effect him to have Tony draped over his back like a koala bear. Tony cuddling home as he walked them back home.

The next morning Steve work up before Tony and just looked at his boyfriend sleeping. It was a rare occasion Steve got to see him to peaceful, looking to innocent to the world and so small. He looked so beautiful, he really did, with his messy hair and his arms wrapped around a pillow as he smushed his face into it.

"Perfect." Steve whispered to himself. To him Tony is and always will be perfect.

It wasn't long before Tony began to wake up, his head hurting a little as he sat up.

Oh god, he thought, he must look a mess, he hadn't brushed his hair, his breath must stink and Steve must wonder why the hell he was with someone such a mess as him. And to make things worse his hangover was kicking in.

"Hey, why that face, doll?" Steve asked as he saw the frown on Tony's face that made his heart hurt a little.

"I just look a mess that's all." He spoke not making eye contact with Steve as he looked at his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, look at me." Steve spoke, his tone soft and kind as he stuck two fingers under Tony's chin to make him look him in the eye. "You always look so beautiful in the morning." he smiled and then planted a soft kiss on his lips. "You're my beautiful little doll face."

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