Underpants (Smut)

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Summary :-: Some long overdue smut

Warnings :-: Smut - bottom!Tony, blow jobs, rimming, school sex

Word Count :-: 1860


"Shit." Tony spoke as he looked in his draws and saw he had no clean underwear, the only thing in there being a bright pink thong he never dreamed of wearing - his friend had got it for him as a joke for his sixteenth birthday last year, but he was going to miss the bus and had no time to look for something different so he had to either go commando or wear the thong. He didn't have time to dwell on anything as he pulled his pants up, grabbed his jacket as well as his bag and ran out his room, locking the front door or his house before running to the bus stop, his cheeks red with a blush of embarrassment as he took a seat on the bus, pulling his phone and headphones out his pocket and listening to some classic rock.

Once at school he got off the bus, his headphones still in and his bag hanging off one shoulder as he walked into the building, trying to go unnotices as he knew Steve, Sam, Bucky and Clint would all be about sooner or later, ready to make his day living hell, and what made it even worse is since Tony transferred to this school he had had a crush on Steve Rogers, his bully.

Once he got to his locker, he unlocked it and grabbed some of the books he would be needing for that day, such as his maths folder, as well as two different physics books, and his engineering folder. Everything he needed for the day. He took his headphones out, and put them in his jacket pockets and placed his phone in there as well, before slamming the door shut and looking around at the hallways to see if Steve was around, so far he hadn't seen him, but luck had never been on Tony's side when it came to these things.

"Well if it isn't my favourite nerd." Steve spoke, his voice sending shivers down Tony's spin in a way he wish he didn't.

"Steve, I'm really not in the mood." Tony spoke, looking down at his slightly scuffed converses as he tried to push his way to get to class, but he was blocked by Bucky, Clint and Sam.

"I don't think so." Steve spoke as he walked behind Tony, the smaller male instantly feeling his cheeks heat up as he knew what was going to happen. It had happened before, and right now he really wished he had different underwear on.

Steve looked down at Tony's bubble gum butt and smiled as he placed one hand on his hip and then dipped the other down to pull his underwear up, but what he got was a surprise as he felt something different and a lot softer to what he usually felt when he went to give Tony a wedgy. He smirked at the feeling and grabbed Tony by the back of the neck and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"Well look at you, you dirty little boy." Steve smirked and then bit down on Tony's ear. "Meet me Johnston's room after the bell." 

"Come on guys we better get going." Steve spoke as he pushed Tony back into the locker, leaving the smaller male confused and a little turned on - okay a lot turned on, he had to lower his folder to hid his slight erection.

The bell ran and Tony felt a too afraid to not go, so he walked to the other side of the school, his head running with a million different thoughts as he pushed the door to the English room Steve asked him to meet him in. He knew she wouldn't be there she was off on maternity leave, so no one would be there.

"You know, Tony, you're not very good at hiding your feelings." Steve spoke as he walked into the room, shutting the door and locking it, making sure there was something covering the little window so no one could see what they were about to do. "I know you like me."

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