Vibrations Running Through Me (Sumt)

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Summary :-: Steve gets some new toys for Tony for his birthday and the surprisingly kink cap can't wait to try them out on his husband

Warnings :-: Smut - vibrators, fingering and slight BDSM characteristics

Word Count :-: 2060

(This promo/idea was given to me by the wonderful ThorEatsPoptarts I love this idea and I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy, as well as the rest of y'all x)


"Nat, I don't know what to get, Tony, for his birthday." Steve asked Natasha a week before Tony would be turning 30. "He's literally a billionaire, anything he wants, he can get. What do you get the man who can buy himself anything." Steve pondered as he passed back and forth in front of the Tv Natasha was trying to watch.

"Okay then, maybe get something the both of you can enjoy." She answered. "And if you don't stop passing in front of the Tv, I'll put you in a body bag. "

"Jeez, calm down it's only Cupcake Wars." Steve mumbled as he left the room, not missing the glare he received from Natasha as he left the room to go to his and Tony's floor.

Something the both of them can enjoy... What do they both of them like.... Sex!

Now, Steve had only ever really had vanilla sex with Tony, nothing that would hurt him too much, after all Steve isn't the smallest of guys, he is a super soldier after all. He knew Tony had a few kinks, with bright red cheeks he remembered asking J.A.R.V.I.S what porn Tony used to like, and it was kinky to say the least. Tying up, spanking, breath play - the list was endless. And because Steve came from a different time, when he was skinny and girls wouldn't go near him and being gay could get him killed, he had to Google a few of these things and after watching a few videos he got it, he understood why Tony seemed to like this thing called BDSM, and it seemed to be the trust and the connection the dominate and the submissive have, and Tony had never had that, so Steve began looking into all of this and he was going to give him the best birthday ever.

It was three days before Tony's birthday, and Steve still had a lot to do. He was going to take him out for dinner at the place they had their first date and then he was going to take him back to their floor and show him how much had cares about him and embrace some of the kinks he has so show he really cares about him and will do anything to make him happy, even if some of them look painful and he doesn't want to hurt Tony. So, after he called to book a table, he left the tower and went into the sketchier side of the city, filled with nigh clubs, sex shops and hookers on every corner, even in the middle of the day.

Steve had no idea what he was looking for, but as he walked into a plane looking shop with a neon light flashing above him, the sign reading Wild Night  he walked in and looked around feeling very lost and confused.

"Hey, you look a little lost, anything I can help with?" Asked the punk looking lady behind the cash register. She had a shaved side and bleached white hair with hair with a blue underneath. She had snake bits and long black nails. She had a slim frame with tight black jeans on and a skin tight leather corset shirt, as he walked over to Steve, the sound of heals clip clopping on the floor. Her make up was done to perfection without anything out of place. She wore black lipstick on her lips as she flashed a smile at Steve.

"Yeah, I-I am a little." He laughed nervously. "I found out my, uh, boyfriend likes this kind of stuff and I have no idea about any of it." (I'm getting American Horror Story Murder House vibes)

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