Baby Daddy (Superfamily)

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Summary :-: After a three year relationship, Tony and Pepper break up, leaving him with a two tear old son and a hopeless crush on his best friend.

(They're not super in this, just normal Tony and normal Steve)

Warnings :-: Touchs on abandonment issues but not really in detail out anything like that

Word Count :-: 1820

(Amazing, adorable super cute fanart by Utsukin via Tumblr)


Tony walked down to the living room after putting his two year old son down for the night. Peter was being very difficult when it came to sleeping now when he didn't have someone or something he could cuddle. After clearing his room up Tony had found his favourite bear so he was hopping that would keep him asleep all night.

Hey, you still up for some pizza?xx

Tony looked down at the text he got from his friend Steve and smiled, the essence of a rosy red blush sprinkling itself across his skin. He had recently admitted to himself he had a crush on Steve, after he and Pepper began to have a few issues in their relationship he was the person he would go to and talk, get drunk, or cry too.  He and Pepper broke up just over half a year ago now. They had always have a few issues, but what relationship did not? But things started to get worse at time went on. She would work a lot, and so would Tony, and once she fell pregnant she couldn't work so she would end up spending most of her time on line talking with guys and eventually she just fell out of love with Tony, and left him with a note and a two year old baby Peter. Tony was wreck for weeks after that and Steve really helped get him though it, and eventually Tony began to feel things for Steve. He forgave Pepper, he would occasionally text her asking if she wanted to see Peter, but she said his life would be better without a mum that never saw him than a mum that wouldn't be able to keep up regular visit. Tony kind of understood were she was coming from, but it still hurt him knowing Peter wouldn't have any recollecting of his mum.

That sounds wonderful right about now xxx

I'll pick one up on my way xx

See ya soon honey xxx

See ya my darling xxx

Tony had always loved the pet names he and Steve had for one another, he thought it was cute. As he lay back he heard Peter's soft hums of sleep though the baby monitor he had on the table so if he started screaming he could rush to him and calm  him down. He couldn't help but feel some sort of triumph as he heard Peter sleeping and not screaming, Peter never really was that good at sleeping alone, he needed something to cuddle so he usually started crying when he dropped his teddy or couldn't find it, or sometimes he just wanted Tony to cuddle him, but Tony couldn't blame him, he himself had never been the best at sleeping alone.

Tony turned the Tv on and watched some rerun of Supernatural that was playing as he waited for Steve to get here, and about half way though the episode Steve walked in announcing his presents with a soft , "Darling, I'm home!" He chuckled quietly as he knew Peter would be asleep.

"Heya honey, in the living room." Tony answered as he assumed Steve was taking his shoes off like he always dose, and then was probably hanging his coat up.

"I've got pizza and ice cream and a couple classic horror movies." He smiled a he walked in with two pizza boxes and a bag from Target with the mint chocolate chip ice cream and A Nightmare On Elm Street (the original because it's much better than the remake) and Friday The 13th.

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