Terrible Things

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Summary :-: "Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."
Based of the song Terrible Things by Mayday Parade.
(I swear I cry at every single one of their songs)

Warnings :-: Character death

Word Count :-: 1000


"Pops? I think I might be in love." Peter spoke when he came home from school one day, a smile on his face as he though of Wade.

"When I was your age, I'd give anything to fall in love, it was all I could think about, so I'm going to tell you the story of how I met your dad, the man of my dreams, the most beautiful guy that I'd ever seen." And with that the story of how Steve met Tony began.

Steve looked out of his window in his collage dorm and watched the snow fall, a small smile on his face as he looked at the other collage students messing around throwing snow at one another. He saw couples walking around holding hands and giggling as they picked up handfuls of the snow and threw it at each other, and that made the smile grow more and more on his face as he wished for that, and now this next part is what one would call a 'cliché' or 'destine' and for Steve it was a mix of both.

"Hello?" Steve question as he opened the door and saw the smiling face of a smaller male with a box in his hands marked 'tech'.

"Hi! I'm Tony, Tony Stark, I was told this is where I'll be sleeping for the next two years." He smiled, his smile so bright it seemed to melt snow as his boots left a small puddle around his feet outside the door.

"Oh right, hi!" Steve smiled and stepped aside to let this new and hot, very hot, roommate in. "I'm Steve Rogers."

"It's lovely to meet you." Tony smiled.

"- and the rest was a mess of clichés, drinking wine, making out, making love, skipping class and before we knew it, collage was done, the both of us with a degree in what we wanted and now they two of us started looking for a flat to stay in."

"This is perfect." Tony smiled as Steve picked him up and carried him into their new place, a small one bedroom with a nice view of the city and a small balcony for Steve to look out of and paint the city skyline.

"It is, it's everything I've ever wanted, especially now it's with you." Steve smiled and walked though the door with a huge smile on his face that nothing could break.

The both of them had jobs and despite the pay not being all that good it was enough for the both of them to have food and this surprisingly cheap please - Tony kept saying someone must have died there that's why it was cheap, but Steve just brushed him off and said he had watched one too many horror movies.

Once they had all moved it, and Tony had made a mess of the place with his 'I'm not a maid I don't clean' attitude, despite Steve offering countless times to buy him a maid outfit so then because he was dressed like one he would have to act like one, he got down on one knee with a smile on his face and a few tears in his eyes and asked the one question that could make or beak any relationship.

"Anthony Edward Stark, will you marry me?" He asked after a beautiful speech that had the both of them in tears, Steve because he was so nervous and Tony because no one had ever spoke about him like that before.

"Yes." And with a shaking hand that Tony had stuck out, a small band was slid on his finger and that was that, the both of them were engaged.

"-another few years, a beautiful wedding, a house, two dogs and a small and beautiful baby boy and we never wanted anything more. We were so happy. We had a beautiful life, a life neither of us had ever dreamed of having so perfect as we had it." Steve smiled thinking back on his life with Tony.

"Sounds wonderful, pops." Peter spoke wondering why he was now hearing his pops life story.

"Now, son this next part is what happened to your dad and I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."

But everything good has to come to an end. Something goes wrong and that thing that when wrong was the fact Tony was dying. He had known for a while he wasn't going to see his son go off to collage, hell he wouldn't even get to see him start high school, he was ill, the kind of ill that will kill you in the end. He can never get better.

Tony told Steve when he knew he didn't have long left, and as soon as those words left Tony's lips Steve's world broke.

"Boy, can I tell you a terrible thing? It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please, don't be sad now, I really believe, you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me." Tony spoke, tears in his eyes as he looked at his husband.

Steve dropped to his knees, his arms falling around his husband who fell to the floor from the tugging at his legs and the two f them sat on the kitchen floor sobbing until they eventually had to pick themselves up and go get Peter from school.

"So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose. If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose to walk away, walk away, don't let her get you. I can't bear to see the same happen to you." Steve spoke with tears bubbling in his eyes. "Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."

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