Happy New Year

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Summary :-: Happy New Year

Warnings :-: Teeth rotting fluff

Word Count :-: 1002


Steve had never been a fan of modern music, he didn't understand why everything had to be about sex, why someone was rapping about her ass, and how half the people heard on the radio can't even sing! God, some of the songs he had heard since waking up from the ice made him want to go back into it. But sadly he could not, so as he watched his fellow Avengers and some of their friends dancing and drinking a little too much to some god awful modern day music. It was funny to see a slightly drunk Phil dancing around Fury, and seeing Bucky flirting his ass off with Natasha who - as much as she would hate to admit it - was blushing just a little. He could see all his friends losing it to have a good time, but he couldn't see Tony who is always the life of the party, he is Tony after all, everything usual is about him even when it isn't, but he couldn't see him and that worried him a little as he took a sip of is beer.

As he carried on scanning the crowed, seeing it he could actually see Tony, but as he walked around the room he couldn't find him at all, and that worried him a lot now. What if he had too much to drink and did something stupid? What if he tried to come up in his Iron Man suit again? What if he fell down the stairs? All these things started panicking him more, and he was sure he was dazing out until he felt a hand on his shoulder that pulled him out of what ever trance he had fallen into.

"Hey, Steve, you okay?" Bucky asked, seeing his friend swaying a little and went to make sure he was okay.

"Yeah, fine, fine... Have you seen Tony?" He asked, putting his drink down on the side.

"I last saw him in his workshop but that was a few hours ago." Steve knew Bucky was still taking because he heard him, but he had already started walking to the work shop to make sure he was okay. As he walked down to the workshop he couldn't hear anything and the windows that you could see into had been blacked out, so his suspicions as to what he could be doing began to grow. He tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Tony you better be okay in there!" He yelled, hoping he heard. As much strength as Tony has, and will power not to do anything stupid, Steve always worried about him, he had this streak in him that made him do stupid things without thinking about the consequences, and that's what worried him because he knew he could do something dumb without thinking twice.

"Just a sec!" Tony called back. "Can you close your eyes, I don't want you to see anything and have it ruined."

"Fine!" Steve yelled back and closed his eyes and then heard the sound of ripping paper and as much as he wanted to take a look to see why that sound was being made, he said he wouldn't and no matter what he always kept his word.

Steve then heard the sound of the door opening and what he assumed - and hopped - to be Tony's hand grabbing his and leading him into his workshop, the smell of oil and petrol filling his senses as he walked in, a smile on his face as the smell was Tony to a T, and he loved it. He was then lead into the room and told to stop, so he did.

"Hit it, Friday." Tony spoke and then music began to flood the room. "Okay, open your eyes." Tony whispered and so Steve did.

The room looked to be a lot bigger with all the cars on one side and his work desk and tools pushed to the other side of the room so there was a rather large part of floor on show. Fairy lights hug all over the room, shinning and twinkling like stars, and in the centre, dressed in a black suit with a matching tie, a wide smile on his face showing the laughter lines he had gotten with age.

"Care for a dance?" Tony asked, holding his hands out for Steve to take, and of course the taller man obliged, walking over to Tony and wrapped his arms around his waist, Tony wrapping them around Steve's middle with his head on his chest as the both of them began to sway in time with the music. "I know how much you hate parties and crowded places, so I thought you might like a little more." Tony whispered and kissed Steve's cheek, standing on his tip toes to reach.

"It's prefect." Steve whispered back, close to tears at the kind heart of the wonderful Tony Stark.

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is, now you're in, you're in, you're in, you're in the world

As the song came to an end, the room had a love feeling blossoming in the air both men with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Came a yell from upstairs, Tony and Steve shocked they could hear it in all honesty.

"Happy new year, Tony." Steve smiled, placing to fingers under the short man's chin and pulled him up to meet his lips and he leaned down to connect them in their first kiss of the new year, Tony wrapping his arms around Steve's neck.

"Happy new year, Steve." Tony smiled back, the both of them now with crimson blushes on their cheeks as they connected their lips once again.

(Happy new year everyone! Let's hope 2019 brings some wonder to the world and you all have the best year yet)

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