I'm Gonna Break Your Little Heart

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Summary :-: Could you get someone to say I love you and then break their little heart? Maybe you would do it for 200$? 

Warnings :-: Fluff and kinda maybe some angst

Word Count :-: 7405 (oh my gosh this is so long)

(Okay, so I love Peggy, but she's gonna be kinda rude and mean in this, don't come for me because she's queen, but she fits best for the character, okay, so don't come for me, thanks)

(Also if anyone gets the tittle reference, marry me, please, like I'll pay for the wedding and everything I need friends who like them)


Steve and his friends sat in the lunch room, the five of them laughing and making jokes with one another as the few girls that sat with them laughed along at them. Steve Rogers if your not-so-typical-typical-jock, the typical aspects are he's captain of the football team, goes to parties and had girls throwing themselves at him, now the not so typical aspects are he's a nice guy as long as you don't annoy him, so he's not a typical bully like some of the others, and he gets really good grades, he's not a genius like some of the students here, but he gets good enough grades to keep his mom happy.

On the other side of the lunch room was Tony Stark, the school's nerd, he usually lived in the library, hardly talks to anyone, had his nose in a book and has little to know friends. He sat there with a book on the table as he took small bits from his ham and cheese sandwich he made this morning, he wasn't really paying any attention to anything until he felt something, or someone hit the back of his head. He didn't bother looking up, he was used to this by now, it was why he spent his time in the library, but the librarian was off ill so it was locked for the day, so he was forced to come into the lunch room and eat there. 

As Steve and Natasha both discussed some gym course work they needed to do, Bucky looked over at Tony and saw two guys pull him up of his seat and push him up against the wall before leaning in and whispering something in his ear, then throwing him back in his seat and dumping three books on his desk.

Bucky had no idea what came over him as he thought of this, but he had never liked that Stark kid, he always found him annoying.

"Hey, Steve, know how you can't turn down a bet, well I bet you two hundred dollars to date Stark and then break up with his when he says I love you." Bucky spoke with a not so nice glint in his eye. "And he liked dick, I heard he sucks of Professor Banner, that's why he gets such good grades in his class." Spoke Bucky as he also looked at the boy Steve was no going to make fall in love with him. "So are you on?" He asked with his hand extended to shake on the bet.

Steve smiled and then stuck his hand out to shake Bucky's. "No problem." Steve spoke as he looked over at the nerd rubbing his head as he turned the page in his book, his face looking a little pale, his glasses with a small crack in the side.

Steve chose not to comment on that as he was working out his best way to approach this bet. He knew taking it on would make his a horrible person, but he was skint and needed the $200. His mum was working double time just to pay rent and have food on the table for the both of them, and the money would be enough to feed them both for a month, so he couldn't turn down the money, even if what he was doing to get it made him a horrible person.

"Okay, bet starts now." Bucky spoke and then the bell chimed in letting everyone knew it was time for their next lesson, for Steve that was double English with non other then Tony Stark, the boy he needed to make fall in love with him. 

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