I Would

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Summary :-:
I would fight a thousand fights
Lose my eyes, I'd take a life
I'd kill a man
Just to hold your hand
I would swallow broken glass
Give my right arm, swim with sharks
I'd die alone
Just to walk you home

(I love this song  and I'm so freaking excited to see Lower Than Atlantis this May)

Warnings :-: Nothing

Word Count :-: 505


Everyone had those high school crushes, when they fall completely in love with someone for the first time and start to act all crazy because they don't know how to control their feelings, well that's me for this beautiful boy in my English class. He always look so cute when taking notes, when his face scrunches up and how if he doesn't understand something he won't say because he knows the teacher wouldn't help anyway because she is an actual bitch. Or if he knows she's wrong he won't say anything because someone will pick on him after class.

I had no idea when my crush on him started, but it had been too long now to just be a crush. I'd fallen deeply and madly in love with him or I wouldn't be thinking the way he was when he wasn't with him. It was crazy how badly I wanted to be with him. Some would even call it obsessive, but to me it's was love.

Love is crazy, and I'm crazy too, and if you spend a second with me I could show you just how crazy.

I would often find myself going off in a daydream when I should be copying down notes about The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower. I sit alone and think of all the stupid things, that I would do to be near him for a minute or two.

I would fight a thousand fights, lose my eyesight, I'd take a life! I'd kill a man just to hold his hand. I know, I sound crazy doing all this, but I really would. I can sometimes see bruises on his face and who ever puts them there, I would kill. No one should touch him to hurt him, he's too perfect.

I would swallow broken glass, give my right arm, swim with sharks. I'd die alone just to walk him home. He means that much to me I would do anything for him and this list just proves it. Can't you see, I need him, and he needs me, he's a lock, and I'm the key, I can open him up and show him love, give him the love he deserves.

Look, I know, I know it sounds extreme. And I know I'm crazy, trust me, I know all this. But it's true, I would do anything to get him to notice me. I wish I wasn't this obsessed, I really do, but here I am, once again making a list of all the things I would do just to get closer to him.

(Any idea who's P°O°V this was in?)

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