Perfectly Perfect

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Summary :-: Maybe, you'll never see in you what I see. The little things you do that make me go crazy. I'm not crazy, you're perfectly perfect to me

Warnings :-:  Body image issues

Word Count :-: 1613

(I love Simple Plan and I blame them for my rock addiction because I was obsessed with Scooby Doo and guess who did the theme song? Simple Plan, so they influenced my taste in music a lot)


Tony was looking at himself in the mirror, his shirt off as well as his pants so he was standing there in just his Captain America boxers Steve got him as a joke - but he wore them all the time. As he looked in the mirror he pinched his sides and looked at the fat he had on his hips. He frowned a little and leg go of the skin, and looked down sadly. 

"I wish you would stop that." Steve spoke as he looked at Tony looking in the mirror, picking all his flaws out one by one. "You might not think you're a supermodel, but you look like one to me."

Tony turned around and looked at Steve looking at him and he just looked down sadly. He had always been so in the attention of the media and there were hundreds of pictures of him online, and in magazines and papers, as well as hundreds of articles written about him, after the recent events of him getting drunk when he was out with Steve and he made an idiot of himself, stumbling and falling all over the place. There were some extremely awful pictures of him in the paper the next day and it just made him feel horrible about himself. He had also done a recent photoshoot and when he got sent a copy of it he looked so airbrushed and edited he felt even worse. He used to just turn up and they didn't have to do anything, but now he was older and has more flaws to cover up, and that's just what they did. 

Tony got into bed and looked at the cover. He was looking at the camera, a smirk on his face, and now when he smiled or smirked his laughter lines would be obvious to see, but they had got rid of them. He also had some slight freckles that danced over the bridge of his nose, and they were gone. They made his face look fuller and made the rest of him look skinner.

"I'd rather have your picture on my phone that on the cover of a magazine." Steve spoke, pulling the glossy pages off him, not even letting him read the article.

"I look awful." Tony whispered as he saw Steve placing the magazine on the table away from him. 

"I know I'm gonna sound like a therapist, but tell me what you don't like about yourself." Steve spoke softly, sitting down on the foot of the bed, his hand resting on Tony's exposed shin, drawing shapes with his finger tips, something Tony had always loved when he needed to calm down, Steve touch was his favourite thing.

"I hate my laughter lines, my fat hips, my snort at the end of my laugh, the way my cheeks go bright red when ever you pick me up." Tony began, tears bubbling in his eyes as he began listing of the things he hated most about himself. 

"Tony, darling look at me." Steve spoke as he lifted Tony's chin up with two fingers as he sat back on the bed. "I know how you get after these shoots, and I know what they do. They get ride of all the best things about you. It's funny how all the things you would change are all things that are cute to me."

Tony just shrugged and scoffed a little.

"And I know you don't believe me." Steve spoke. "And you think that I'm a fool." 

"Think?" Tony asked. "Steve, I know you're a fool." He spoke, cracking a small smiled as he did.

"But I don't care." Steve smiled and kissed Tony on the cheek, pulling him into his side , wrapping his arms around him, placing his had on top of his. "Maybe, you'll never see in you what I see. The little things you do that make me go crazy." Steve carried on, ignoring the huffs of disagreement Tony would give him.

Tony had a lot of little things Steve loved. Steve loved the way he would always kiss him on the cheek before he left the room, no matter who was there or what they were doing. He loved the way his messy hair flopped over his face when he needed to get it cut. He loved the way he would smile at him when he walked into a room. Steve loved everything about Tony. His laughter lines he hated, his perfect pearly white teeth - you couldn't find something about Tony Steve didn't love, he was prefect to him.

"I'm not crazy. You're perfectly perfect to me." He smiled and kissed the top of his head before the two of them got into bed and began falling asleep ready for the next day, and what ever adventures she may bring with her.

Tony and Steve had a meeting, a very important one that needed to make the Avengers look good, make them look like good people who do all they can to do good, and of course that meant the press would be there, another reason for the media to pick on Tony's flaws.

"You brush it off every time I tell you, your smile lights up the room. And I'm guessing that you don't even notice the whole world notices you." Steve whispered to Tony as they left the room hand in hand. It went well, everyone though, even if Tony did seem a little nervous when ever a camera would go off, but he had Steve there to hold his hand.

Once back at the tower, Tony and Steve walked to their flaw to get changed, and as Tony stepped out of the elevator, he tripped over his own feet, sending him tumbling forward, Steve having to grab his hand to stop him for hitting the floor.

"I'm such a dumbass klutz." Tony laughed, but Steve knew it bothered him

"You think you're clumsy, I think you're cool." Steve smiled as they walked into their room. Once the both of them had changed out of the suits, Tony asked J.A.R.V.I.S to order some pizza.

"I'm so typical, a part Italian man ordering a pizza." He laughed.

"You say you're typical, but I think you rule." Steve spoke and kissed him on the cheek before going down to collet the pizza as Tony season four of RuPaul's Drag Race on.

As Steve picked the pizza up he scribbled some words down in his note book, now having finally perfected the song he was working on for Tony, he hopped it would make him feel better about himself.

After the pizza was gone, and Sharon and Phi Phi started falling out and having their iconic fight, the both of them on team Sharon (me too, she was the fucking best), Steve got out an acoustic guitar and began tuning her, making sure she was perfect for the song she was about to play.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Tony asked as he stopped the events playing out on the Tv as he heard the strumming of a guitar. "Are you gonna play me a song." Steve nodded and then closed his eyes, strumming away and began singing.

You don't have to try
Change a single thing
'Cause just the way you are is sweeter than anything
Maybe I'm a fool but it's always been you
'Cause no one ever makes me smile the way you do

Tony started to tear up at this. He knew he would never be able to stop feeling they way he did, but having Steve signing to him, telling him he's beautiful made his heart melt and tears bubble in his eyes.

You'll never see in you what I see
The little things you do that make me go crazy
I'm not crazy
You're perfectly perfect
You're gonna see you're beautiful this way
And that you're always gonna make me go crazy
I'm not crazy

As the chords began slowing down, Tony knew he was nearly done, and he wished it would never end, since Steve started singing Tony had been hooked for the past three minutes, trying his best to keep his breathing as low as possible and block all the loud sounds out from outside so he could here ever word that came out of his lovers mouth, he didn't want to miss a single chord change, a single not, nor a word. He didn't want to miss a thing.

You're perfectly perfect to me

Steve sang for the last time and Tony couldn't stop the tears as he waited for Steve to put the guitar down before he flung himself at the taller male and wrapped his arms around him, crying softly into his chest. Never had anyone ever said such beautiful things to him, and he knew he would remember this forever.

"You're perfectly perfect to me." Steve smiled and then leaned down and kissed Tony with as much passion and love as he could, Tony melting into the kiss and loving every second of it. He didn't care what the paper would say tomorrow, or what those internet reporters would say, Steve loved him and that's the only person in the world he wanted to impress.

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