Small Transformation

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Summary :-: Tony keeps taking the mick (or taking the piss) out of Loki's child like antics, so Loki decideds to show just how much of a Child Tony can be.

Warnings :-: Nightmares and mentions of abuse, other than that just overall fluff

(If you liked it then maybe I'll do an actual age play one, sexual or not I don't know yet. I enjoy writing age play stuff anyway)

Word Count :-: 3760 - This was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I like it and I hope you do as well so enjoy my sinners.

(I couldn't find the artist of the fanart but it was found on Google)

(Oh my god Bake Off was so bloody good! I've waited so long and Noel was beautiful and funny as usual. Anyways enjoy the chapter my sinners)


"You act like such a child." Tony grumbled to Loki as he watched the God making silly little tricks on the Avengers. Like dying Natasha hair funny colours and making Tony's drink disappear and reappear in a different location in the room. It was probably that action that annoyed him the most.

"Oh, really? You think I'm being childish when you act like thing biggest child I know." He spoke back, his sassy tone making Tony want to punch him, but Steve would hold him back and Thor wouldn't be best pleased if his brother got another punch to the face.

"I think I act more like an adult than you do." Tony answered as he took a sip of his whiskey that had reappeared after he began talking with Loki.

"I'm sure you do, Mr. Stark, but I do believe you are much more of a child then I ever could be." And then Loki mumbled something under his breath and before Thor had a change to stop him he stopped mumbling and looked at Tony with an amused expression. "We'll see who the bigger child is." He spoke and then vanished.

"Thor? What did he just do?" Steve asked as Tony burst out laughing at the mumbled and the look Loki gave him and then he himself mumbled something along the lines of 'some magic trick didn't even do anything'. Thor didn't answer to begin with as he thought of what Loki could have done, but as nothing was happening now he assumed it was just some harmless words he mumbled, but with Loki he could never be to sure.

"I don't believe he has done very much," he spoke as he took a bite of the pop-tart that was in front of him. "But after all this is Loki." He then finished the pop-tart and stood up off the couch and said he was going to go look for him, even if he knew where he would be.

"Okay then, well it's getting late and this princess and myself need some sleep." Natasha spoke referring to Clint who was dozing off to the left of her.

"Yeah, I could do with some sleep myself." Steve spoke as he repressed a yawn so he wouldn't appear to be rude as they spoke.

That nigh everyone went to bed as usual, Natasha on her floor, Clint on his after calling his wife to make sure her and the kids were doing well as he couldn't leave until tomorrow as he had a mission last week and still wasn't done with the paperwork that followed. Steve then went to his floor, and Tony also on Steve's floor what with the two of them being in a relationship and all. They usually decided who's room to sleep in judging by the actions that would take place, Steve's room being just for sleeping and the occasional make out session, and Tony's room being more for sex as Tony had things in his room Steve very much liked using on Tony and neither could be bothered to more the things to Steve's room as Steve would turn into a tomato and start to have a is-my-face-redder-than-that competition with everything that was red of any of these things were found in his room. But Tony being Tony, he had little to no shame when it came to sex and how wonderful Steve could please him - and so had other people what with Tony being very loud in bed. They really did seem like an odd couple, but the past year neither on of them had been happier, and they had suffered a lot, so everyone on the team was over the moon they had found happiness with one another. Because they needed that happiness. They all did.

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