One And The Same

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Summary :-: Captain America is one of the most loved superheros in the world, but no one knows his true identity as he wants to keep his normal life, well, normal. And Tony Stark a reporter who follows/reports on Captain America and is developing a crush on him. One day he sees said Superhero walking into the home of one of his best friends Steve Rogers and his hear shatters because he thinks Steve is dating Captain America.

Warnings :-: Nothing really just a little angst

Word Count :-: 1777

(In this no one knows Captain America's true identity because he always has the mask on)

(Adorable fanart by Supergizz)


Again, Captain America had saved the day. He always did, no matter what he was faced with, the super soldier always made everything better and saved the day, and that is probably why people love him. But with being a hero like he is, where ever he goes there is some kind of press follow him where ever he goes, and that's what the mask if for. He needs some privet time, he couldn't deal with the paparazzi all the time, he was too much of a nice guy to tell them to go away, or in better terms 'fuck-off-I-wanna-get-some-milk-from-the-shop-without-you-all-up-in-my-face' but of course he could never say that.

He had just finished saving a hijacked bus full of school children after some bank robber needed a get away after having shot the bus driver - he really had no idea why he thought a bus would be the best way to get away, but who knows. But Captain America once again managed the save the day.

As he walked back home - his mask still on - he looked around to make sure no one was around before he walked into his house. As he walked in he didn't notice the reporter who had been following him - not in a creepy stalker way, it was his job, he was paid to follow him around and try and get as much information and work out who he really was, not that he wanted to do that, he didn't see why he couldn't have his privet life, but he needed the money so he went along with what ever was needed to be done.

As he saw him go into the house he felt his heart break. That was the home of one of his best friends - a friend he also has a slight crush on - Steve Rogers' house. Tony had always been a little bit of a fanboy when it came to Captain America, he had had a crush on him ever since the man saved him from a mugging a few months back. But he knew he could never have Captain America, and now it was clear he could never have his other and bigger crush, Steve Rogers. It was clear he could have neither.

Hey, Tony I finally got my Tv working so wanna come round and watch a movie?xx

Tony, despite the slight jealousy and anger he felt he couldn't help but smile when he saw the text. He truly did like - possible love - Steve and wanted to spend time with him, despite his datonghis celebrate crush.

I'd love too xx

Great, just come over when you're done xx
Oh and bring a pizza xx

Of course :) xx

An hour later Tony was once again in his car driving over to Steve's, his heart racing a little, and his head full of thoughts and questions. He was kind of hurt Steve never told him he was dating Captain America, they're best friends, he thought they told each other everything, but this isn't high school so maybe he didn't need to tell him, or maybe he didn't trust him enough. He shook his head before the thoughts got any deeper. He just wanted to have a good time and eat some pizza and watch a movie with his best friend - even if he wishes they would be more.

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