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Summary :-:  'Cause I don't wanna fight no more,
Even when the waves get rough
I don't wanna see the day we say we've had enough

Warnings :-: Kinda angsty I guess

Word Count :-: 840

(Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, the few shots I had ready written to publish I really didn't like so I've deleted them :/ I'm now working on some new ones as well as the requested I've had from last year, they're all coming don't worry! So here's a relatively short chapter to keep you going)

(So far mental health wise, I've had an okay few weeks, I've been feeling a lot more body confident, I've been happier I guess, but tonight has just thrown me out of sink, it's 3:15am and I can't sleep, I've had a massive depressive episode for most of the day and I had an breakdown/anxiety attack because a web page wouldn't load. I think I'm gonna try and book an appointment with my doctor to see if she can top up my medication because I've run out and felt like I didn't need it anymore so hopefully things should be all good again soon)


Tony and Steve had never had a fight like this. There had always been a little tension between the two of them, but they knew how to get ride of that, and it usually involved Tony on his back in a bed as Steve made him feel things he didn't know he could feel. But this was different. This wasn't just some dumb fight over how the prefect cup of tea is made, or they should order for that night's movie night.

This fight was so big it divide the team up, and that's not what either of them wanted. Tony just wanted to do some good in the world, but it seemed he was making a much bigger mess than needed to be made. He was good at that. Making messes.

Steve stood on one side of the filed with his team, his best friend Bucky at his side once again, the sight making Tony's heart sink a little. He wanted to be standing next to Steve.

"I don't wanna fight any more." Tony spoke as he looked at Steve who was meters away from him. Steve looked down at his shield and frowned. He knew when Howard made him who he was this isn't what he would have wanted, he knew he wouldn't have wanted his son to be fighting like this.

"Even when the waves get rough." Steve whispered to himself as he took a step forward, as his team followed he put his hand back, telling them they didn't need to follow.

"I don't wanna see they day we say we've had enough." Tony spoke as like Steve he took a step forward, but his team seemed to understand a little more what was going on and non of them followed. Natasha standing there with her arms crossed with a knowing look on her face as she made eye contact with Bucky and raised her eyebrow at him. Bucky just smiling at her and nodding his head as if the two were communicating telepathically.

"I don't wanna fight this war." Steve spoke as he took another step forward, almost being in the middle of them.

"Bullets coming of out lips." Tony spoke, stopping when he started get out of his suit.

"But we stick to out guns and we love like battleships." Steve spoke not moving from where he was as he and Tony were as close as they could be without kissing at this point.

"Like battleships." Tony smiled and leaned up closing the gap between the two of them and closed his eyes as Steve leaned down and connected their lips together.

Bucky whoop-ed at the action of affection and Natasha rolled her eyes, but a smile was on her face. Wanda looked over at Vision who was smiling back at her. Clint, Sam and Scott just looked a little awkward as they didn't know what to do. They were all very happy for the two of them, Scott not really understanding what was happening but just rolled with it, he was sure he would be filled in by Clint soon. Rhodey and T'Challa just looked happy for Tony and smiled at each other. And of course Peter was there with his camera snapping as many shots as he could.

We're high then we're low, first it's yes then it's no, and we're changing like the tides

"I know we're high then we're low. First it's yet then it's no, and we're changing like the tides." Steve spoke first as they pulled back.

"Yeah, but I want you, I need you." Tony spoke, Steve grabbing his hands and holding them both.

"And I guarantee you we'll make it out alive." Steve smiled and joined their lips together again.

"Can we finally put our weapons down tonight?" Tony asked.

Steve just smiled and pulled his back for a kiss.

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