Carry Me

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Summary :-: Steve is strong and Tony loves that

Warnings :-: Nothing 

Word Count :-: 355 longish (?) drabble

(Amazing fan art I found on Pinterest but I didn't lead back to an artist so full credit to them!)

(Oh my goodness! I can't believe how many read/comments/votes this book hd! It's crazy! Thank you all so much! I can't believe you all take the time of day to read my poorly written ideas, it really means the world to me. Also, I know is so last to say but I've got dyslexia so spelling isn't my forte so apologies for anything I spell wrong, I can't always see them even after I've proofread this shots a few times. But THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERY SINGLE READS!)


Tony Stark and affection are not two things you'd think that would go together, and they really aren't unless you throw a certain Super Soldier, Star Spangled Man, Steve Rogers into the mix. When it comes to Steve, Tony wants nothing more than to be loved by him, and he is, the two of them have a beautiful life together.

One of the many things Tony loves the most about Steve is his strength, he loves how he can just pick him up and carry him anywhere.

He loves it when Steve throw him over his shoulder when he's mad with him, or when he's falling asleep on his feet in the lab and Steve would carry him up to their room, bride style and then tuck him in before getting in himself and cuddling spooning the smaller boy.

He loved it when Steve would get possessive and pick him up, placing him on his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist and wouldn't let him go - Steve would often do this at press meeting, or at big parties when girls would hit on the ex-playboy.

Tony loved being picked up by Steve and held against the wall as he fucked him, he loved feeling Steve holding him as he filled his body with pleasure.

He just loved it when Steve would pick him up and carry him.

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