I'm Not Crazy 'cause I Take The Right Pills

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Summary :-: Seeing things that aren't there make you crazy, hearing the voice of someone who isn't there make you crazy. But what if that crazy thing it the only thing keeping you sane...

Warnings :-: Depression, panic attacks and schizophrenia kinda

Word Count :-: 3765

(Fan art not mine, full credit to the amazing artist)

(I'm really happy with how this one came out so I hope y'all like it as well, let me know if you do because I wanna do more like these kind. This was all my own idea, and this kind o stuff I love reading and writing so do let me know if you like it and I might do a part two, but for now this is all I got)


*Set in the 1970s*
*When mental illness wasn't understood*
*And people locked you away and left you to rot*
*Forgetting about you until they dig you a grave*

"No, I'm not crazy! Let me go! Please! Let me go!" Tony yelled as he was being pulled into the back of a van. Two rather large and butch men had hold of him and were dragging him out of his family home, the both of them much to strong for Tony to get out of their grip, he was only a teenager, he didn't have nearly enough strength for this. 

His mother and farther looked at him as he was being dragged away, an emotionless look on their face as he was thrown into the back, his head hitting the back of the small, white van. He knew where he was going, he remembered his dad screaming it at him, the words etched into his mind as the doors slammed closed and he was locked in the van, the engine roaring to life and he was being taken away to his new home, Briarcliff Manor, home of the mental insane.

The building was a grand sandy building, made up of three floors and a basement no one ever wants to end up in, the reason being you're either dead, or you're in solitary confinement - and everyone knows no on ever leaves there the same because the blank walls and lack of human contact makes you lose your mine even more than you already have.

The first floor had the rooms for the females of any age, some of the females here being as young as eighteen because their parents couldn't handle them.

As well as the woman's ward, there was a dingy kitchen, and there was also a common room with broken arm chairs and an out of key piano with games with missing pieces all over the place, die were missing, chess pieces were missing, but no one here cared, playing gave them a chance to get out of their head. There was also one awful song that was playing constantly on the record player, it was the only thing in the room that wasn't broken, not a single scratch was on the record, nor the actual player itself. It looked to out of place in a common room so dingy like this. But the song was the only thing that gave some people hope, because it was always playing it made some of the patients not feel so crazy. It was the only place the men and woman could also mingle together and spend time together. There was also a common room that was just dedicated to the woman who didn't wish to be in the presents of a male. Couldn't blame them, the men here are discussing.

The second floor was the male ward filled with old, young and teenage men. This was no place for the Sisters who worked here to be spend their time, as most of the men here were filled with sexual frustration and pissed the day away with their hands down their pants. This is were the male doctors and carers would usually spend their time, watching them and beating them when they pleased. The men also had a common room for themselves, but they didn't have a song, they had to suffer the silence and listen to the crazy older men bang their head against the wooden poles. It wasn't a pretty sight.

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