Flowers From My Heart (Soulmate AU)

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Summary :-: Soulmate AU were when your soulmate gets hurt flowers will grow from the other

Warnings :-: I don't really know how to say without giving away the plot, but I'll put the warning next to this '*~*~*~*' when the warnings apply because it's only really near the end and it's like a massive spoiler

Word Count :-: 4745

(This was requested by the wonderful @cubone. As soon as I was given the idea I couldn't stop writing it, I adore the idea and I hope this is what you had in mind)

(The edit I have used, I made myself to try and give you a better idea of what I imagined it would looked like, but the images I have used aren't mine)

(I just finished re-reading 1999 and I'm scared of everything again, rip)


"MUM! DAD! HELP ME!" A five year old Tony Stark screamed from his bed. He had just woken up in a panic, his throat tight, dry and itchy. He was gasping for air as his mother ran into the room, flicking the light on in a bind panic and saw Tony laying in his bed, tears running down his eyes as his throat seemed to be expanding.

"I can't breath." He spoke softly, his eyes closing and his head started hurting.

"It's okay, baby." She spoke, trying to keep calm, her fingers running through Tony's hair as Howard called for an ambulance after he saw the situation that seemed to be at hand. The both of them had no idea what was going on, it was as if something was growing inside of him, trying to burst out of his throat and it was terrifying to the both of them so god knows what Tony was feeling as his eyes closed, tears falling from them as he had to breath through his nose.

"An ambulance is on the way." Howard spoke in his usual calm fashion, he never was one to panic, if it was going to happen then it would happen, he was a very literal person who found it hard to take a jokes as he lived for facts and knowledge. He always thought humour and other such things were nonces to fill ones brain with.

It didn't take long for the sound of the sirens to fill the street and wake a few people up. Howard rush the down the stairs and before they had time to knock he opened the door to their house, still in his cool, calm and collective manner.

"We had a phone call about a boy having trouble breathing?" One of the two men asked as they looked at Howard, the two of them only needing one look at him before the realisation of knowing it was the one and only famous weapons designer Howard Stark. Everyone knew who he was, and the two of them couldn't stop the very humble feeling they felt being in his presents, without his brains we never have won that war, but they knew little to nothing about the truth when it came to this.

"Yes, he's upstairs, my wife should be in the doorway to show you." Howard explained as he showed them to the stairs, his prim and proper manners showing.

The two spend no time looking over how beautiful the house was as they rushed up the stairs and saw Maria at the top with a pained look on her face as he ushered them into Tony's room.

Tony could feel a ripping in his throat, like something was escaping from it, a pain that made him want to scream, but no words could come out. Suddenly the pain stopped, and a tickling sensation began brushing against his cheek. But as the tickling grew more intense, the pain came back, another burning sensation, this time on the other side of his throat, and then just like before it stopped and was replaced with the tickling. 

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