Once Upon A Dream (AU)

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Summary :-: Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a beautiful prince was born ...a prince destined by a terrible curse to prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and become Sleeping Beauty. A Stony Sleeping Beauty tale

Warnings :-: Sleeping Beauty spoilers

Word Count :-: 5300 - it was getting really long so I cut some stuff out and changed it a little

(I've taken parts of the actual script so there will be actual move quotes in this)


In a far away land, long ago,lived a king and his fair queen.Many years had they longed for a child and finally their wish was granted.A son was born, and they called him Anthony, but as he grew up he much preferred to go by Tony. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout the kingdom, so that all of high or low may pay homage to the infant prince. And our story begins on that most joyful day.

It was that special day, the day the whole kingdom was invited to the castle to pay there visits and gaze at their new prince. The whole kingdom brought the most beautiful gifts, some beings hand crafted toys, other bringing blankets with hours of hand embroidery in it.

Now, this is a magical kingdom, and you can't have a magic kingdom without those who dabble with magic, and the most gifted witches in this craft are Natasha, a fiery witch with hair to match her personality. Then there was Wanda, one of the best witches ever to have lived, her power to see into the future had only ever been used for good and she intended on keeping it that way. And then there was Pepper, the smartest witch to have lived, and the most gentle person anyone has ever met. These three had a special bond and had vowed to protect the kingdom from all evil that may come it's way, and by protecting the kingdom the three of them would also be looking after the life that had been brought into the kingdom, and that being one Anthony Edward Stark.

"Each of us may bless the child with a single gift.No more, no less." Spoke Natasha as she, Pepper and Wanda walked over to the crib Tony was in. Tony had wide eyes as he looked up at them, a small smile on his chubby face.

"Little prince,my gift shall be the gift of beauty." Began Natasha as the other two stepped back after smiling down at the young prince. She waved her hands around, her fingers making different shapes as a light orange glittering flam like magic shot out from the tips of her fingers, the sparks landing atop the prince and sinking into his skin causing him to giggle just a little. Once her spell had been cast she stepped back.

"Tiny princess,my gift shall be the gift of song." Pepper spoke as she waved her finger tips around shooting some light blue sparks shooting from the tips of her fingers and as they settled down on his skin he giggled once more causing her to awe at his cuteness and then step back so she was standing with Natasha.

As Wanda stepped up to give him her gift, a icy wind blew the huge ballroom doors open, all the guests in the room spinning around to see the sudden commotion. The three witches frowned as they saw their old friend looking down at them, disgust written all over his face.

"Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Howard." Spoke the voice of the kingdoms most hated and one of the most powerful wizards they had ever seen, Doctor Strange.

(Don't get me wrong I love Doctor Strange, but he just seemed to fit the best for this role okay so no hate, thanks)

"Strange, what on Earth do you think you're doing here?" Howard almost yelled, his voice scaring his new son a little causing him to whimper.

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