Things We Used To Share

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Summary :-: Based of the song Things We Uses To Share by Thomas Sanders

(I love this song so much and Thomas is such a pure bean and I love him so much someone freak out about his cuteness with me, please!)

Warning :-: Nothing

Word Count :-: 600


Rain fell softly from the sky as I looked up and thought of you. Despite my flat being filled with things, I wish you took them with you. When I look at the couch, I see you sleeping softly with the Tv remote in your hand, or a cup of black coffee as you spoke to me about the events at work. I remember us watching Disney movies on the Tv because I hadn't see any of them, and you had a bad childhood and never got the chance to watch them. I still remember the day you walked into the apartment with a new leather jacket for me because mine was getting old and falling apart, but I told you to keep it. I wore if a few times, but when you left I made you take it, even though you said it was a gift, I wanted you to have it back. I didn't want to keep it as a reminder of what we were because I had all the memories of you I needed.

I don't really care about the things we use to share, I seem to love them more now they smell like you, but I would give them all away if I could find my heart. I need to know what did you did with my heart.

We began to grow apart, you had work and so did I, and then we have other friends, and you had business trips and soon it just made sense to break up, even thought neither of us really wanted to, but it was for the best. We both had no more fireworks, and we hadn't left a sing butterfly in out stomachs. It's hard to sleep without your warmth at night, you took it from me, as well as leaving a dent on the left side of the bed were you would sleep. It still smells of you.

You took my pride, but maybe that was for the best, I had grown to be a little more arrogant since I met you, but so were you, even before I met you, but that still made me love you. But you've also been depriving me of a full nights rest, but that isn't really anything new for me, I've had enough sleep to last me a lifetime so it doesn't bother me all that much. I don't dream of us getting back together anymore because we're both better of like this, I know we are and so do you, so I don't see why this is so hard.

I don't really care about the things we used to share, be my guest and take them all away, but I need to know what did you do with my heart?

I wouldn't take my heart back because I meant it when I said what's mine is yours, I did. But I need to know that I no longer see you, what did you do with my heart? I don't want it back, you can keep it, I just need to know if you have it so you can look after it, so please, keep the things we used to share and take good care of my heart, my first love, forever and always.

(Who's P-O-V do y'all think this is in?)

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