Randy's Donuts Drama Queen

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Summary :-: It's all a matter of wrong timing and Randy's Donuts

Warnings :-: Nothing really, maybe angst

Word Count :-: 1740

(Requests by the forever wonderful and incredible I_am_the_Catlover  and I really hope you like this because you're always so lovely in the comments and I really hope this is what you wanted)


"Buck, help me." Steve whined dragging the 'e' out as he lay on his bed, wedding ring magazines surrounding him as he tried to find the perfect ring for Tony. He was going to ask him to marry him, but he needed to find a beautiful ring and it was impossible.

"It's not my fault you think every ring is ugly is it?" He asked sarcastically looking at Steve who had his hands over his face and was growing out of frustration into them. "Why don't you get him an engagement gun or something? He's an Avenger, he might need a gun at some point."

"Not helping, Buck." Steve laughed, imagining himself getting down on one knee and holding out a gun like and asking him to marry him. "It has to be perfect, because he's perfect."

"Don't get all sappy on me, Rogers." Bucky laughed.

"No different that how you act with T'challa." Steve retorted back, a smirk on his face as he watched Bucky's go red at the mention of his lovers name. Steve then stood up to pick up a different magazine after having looked through the ones on the bed for a million times.

"Shut up." Bucky growled in a playful way.

"Make me." Steve smiled back and then he was pushed to the ground, Bucky sitting on top of him looking triumphant at the knocking over of Captain America. "Oh, you wanna play like this?" Steve spoke and then before Bucky could even blink, he was on the floor, his arms pined behind him, him now sitting on top of Bucky.

"Ugh, Steve's you're so heavy, get off me." Bucky spoke, kicking his legs and trying to break free.

"Never." Steve whispered in Bucky's ear, and then the both of them burst into a fit of giggles, Steve still sitting on Bucky and Bucky still under him. As their giggles died down, a slight sniffing sound was heard from behind the door and then the footsteps of someone running away filled the corridor, Steve instantly standing up and going to see what it was, but the only thing he caught a glimpse of was the back of Tony's head, T'challa standing to the side, almost out of sight as Steve rushed after Tony, calling his name out as the lift doors closed, taking it down to his workshop, I better go and see if he's okay, Steve thought as he followed him down, but as he got to the workshop, he saw Tony getting into one of his suits.

"Tony, what happened?" He asked as he saw the Iron suit wrapping around him. "Is there a mission or something? Why are you in your suit?"

"I need to go." Was all he said, his voice cracking as he did and then his mask fell over his face and then he flew out the tower, leaving Steve standing there in such confusion.

Why did it sound like Tony was crying? What upset him this badly?

Bucky was still lying on the floor when he heard the door opening and then felt a hand on his chest, his eyes shooting open in fright but smiled brightly when he saw who it was.

"Hello my white wolf." T'challa spoke as he took his hand away, a little downhearted expression on his face as he watched Bucky sitting up.

"Hey babe." Bucky smiled and kissed his cheek. "Everything okay?"

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