Dirty Flirt (Smut)

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Summary :-: Tony starts flirting with the blonde haired bartender when he and Steve around out at a gathering, and Steve doesn't like that at all

Warnings :-: Smut - bottom!Tony, bare backing, blow jobs, rough sex, fingering and name calling such as slut

Word Count :-: 1544

(This was requested by Ironmanlover99 If anyone else had a request feel free to leave them in the comments or send me a DM)


Tony Stark - Rogers was a flirt, that was something everything knew, he was a loud mouth, sassy, sarcastic flirt that ladies loved. Even with his married status girls will still throw themselves at him, hoping him to leave Steve Rogers and be with them, or just have a legendary night with them. But all Tony would do was flirt a little with them, that's all. He would just complement them and throw in a slightly sexual remark, but that was all, he would never dream of doing anything to hurt Steve.

Talking of flirting, he was talking with the blonde who worked behind the bar at a social gathering all the Avengers were invited too. It was all harmless as he had known her for a few years back, and she was very gay, her girlfriend was working at the same event. She was lovely, and Tony had always liked her, she knew just how to make his drinks, he didn't even need to ask and he had a drink in his hand. She really was a lovely girl.

But Steve didn't see it like that at all, he had never seen this girl, and had no idea about her life, all he knew was Tony and her were flirting with each other and his protective husbandness (it's a word) came into play. But he didn't do anything about it, Tony would know what he did wrong when they got home and got to... play.

A few hours later and they could leave if they wanted to, and Steve and tony were almost the first out the door, they got in the car that was driven by Happy and in no time at all were back home.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Steve almost growled as the both of them got to their floor. "Flirting with girls like that. No don't you dare speak." Steve spoke as he watched Tony open his mouth. "You don't deserve to talk." He spoke taking his tie of and placed it in Tony's mouth and then tied it at the back.

Tony loved it when Steve got like this, it made him so happy, scared, but happy. Sometimes he would start crying because it was so good, because when Steve was mad and fucked him, he was in for a wild night and he loved every second of it.

Steve pushed Tony up against the wall, the tie still in his mouth as he felt Steve running his hands over his chest, and before he knew it his shirt - thankfully not his favourite - was being ripped off him, and Steve's lips were on his nipple, causing him to moan through the tie.

"I love it when you can't talk." Steve groaned. "But I love it even more when you suck my dick." He spoke as he pulled the tie out of his mouth an forced him to his knees. Steve still had his pants on, so Tony wasn't sure what to do, so he just opened his mouth and placed it over the bulge in Steve's pants, and breathed hot air and he guessed that was right because the moan from Steve was enough indication to show he was doing something right.

Steve then tugged Tony back up and kissed him, Tony not sure if he should kiss back, but couldn't stop the moan that past his lips as Steve tugged his bottom lip back with his teeth, once he had let go, Tony's mouth was left slightly ajar, Steve spitting in his open mouth and then laughed at the look of fear Tony gave him. He knew if Tony wanted him to stop, he would just say and he would, but he also knew how much Tony loved rough sex like this, even if he could hardly walk the next morning.

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