Secret Santa

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Summary :-: It's the day before Christmas and the Avengers open their Secret Santa gifts 

Warnings :-: Nothing at all

Word Count :-: 2140

(Adorable fan art by Nickyparsonavenger)

(Happy Christmas Eva guys! Oh and Happy Birthday to me!)


This year the Avengers decided they would do Secret Santa, all of them put their names into a hat and drew them out wondering who they would get. The rules were no swapping, and the limit of spending was ten dollars.

"I think we should all do secret Santa this year." Natasha spoke as she walked into the living room, with her signature don't mess with me face, her red hair tied back, a few strands falling into her face.

"What's that?" Steve asked, if he knew what it was he had clearly forgotten it.

"It's when you put everyone's name into a hat and pull them out and you have to buy a gift for them." She explained as she took her seat in the meeting room Tony installed in the tower a few month back after he started complaining about having to travel to S.H.I.E.L.D when ever Fury needed to talk to them because according to him it was 'boring and I have better things to do' so after hooking up a few thinks and getting all the screens connected and hooked up, the Avengers tower had their own meeting room with direct links to the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

Everyone looked at each other, Thor looking lost like he usually did when it came to these things, Steve still looking a little puzzled even after it was explained to him, Bruce and Tony looked kind of excited about this and Natasha and Clint looking at each other with their usual resting bitch faces.

"I'm down." Tony chimed in as he picked up the note pad in the middle of the table and the pen that was next to it and started writing the names of everyone down, looking around the room and making sure he had everyone's name down, well, the nicknames he had for everyone down - Nat, Cap, Bird Brain, Thor, Angry Green Bean, Wonderful Handsome Ritch Tony.

"Anyone got a hat or something I can put these in?" He asked as he started folding them up, making sure no one could see what he had written so it was a surprise for all.

"I got a bowl." Bruce spoke as he saw a bowl to the side of him with an apple in it, taking it out and putting it on the table and held it up for Tony to see.

"Perfect, past it down." Tony spoke as he folded the last name up and then started putting them into the bowl. "That's the last one. Cap, will you do the honour of choosing first?" He smiled, passing the bowl down to him.

"Sure, okay." Steve spoke and put his hand in the bowl and pulled a piece of folded paper out, and then past the bowl back so Tony could pick one and then went down the table until all the names had been taken out.

"Okay, so what are the rules of these Earth traditions?" Thor asked as he looked at the name on the piece of paper he had and frowned a little until he realised who 'angry green bean' is.

"Okay so no swapping names, no telling anyone who you've got, especially not the other person. You have to spend over five dollars." She spoke and everyone seemed to understand as they gave a nod in her direction. "Oh, and we'll open them on Christmas Eve."

Everyone mumbled an okay or an alright and left to start looking into what to get the person's name they had chosen. Tony was the last to leave as he put the apple back in the bowl and back on the table. As he left he made his way back to the lab, it was already December nineteenth so he didn't have long to make his gift for Steve. He knew he had gotten Steve's name as he made sure he placed it where he knew it would be because he had the perfect idea for a gift for him, but he didn't want him to know it was off him, not yet, but he knew if he didn't make if for him this Christmas then he never would give it to him.

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