As The World Falls Down (Prom Night AU Part 1)

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Summary :-: It's prom night and Steve wants to dance with Tony

Warnings :-: Fluff

Word Count :-: 1095

(I AM SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Work, and school work and all the other jazz we call life got in the way of what I love doing and that is writing, so here I am, back again with another one shot, and of course it had to be a super fluffy one. I recently re-watched Labyrinth staring the incredible David Bowie and I've been so obsessed with this song and I had to use it for something and it just seemed prefect for his one shot)

(The second part will be nothing but smut)


Seven pm, the start of prom.

Tony was dressed in a black suit with a black tie to match with a crisp white shirt on, he had his thick rimmed glasses on and his hair styled atop his head in slight messy curls, but with style, it was styled, or as styled as he could get it to be. His mom and dad were out for the night, but he didn't mind, he didn't want to deal with his dad giving him the talk about the 'birds and the bees' because so many people lose their virginity at prom night, and his mom demanding to know who he was going with and why he looked so good. He also didn't want to explain he was going with his boyfriend Steve who he had been seeing for just over a year now.

Tony looked at himself one last time in the bathroom mirror and walked down the stairs to the living room. He was nervous, his stomach was doing small flips as butterflies erupted and fluttered around his stomach. He was fidgeting with his sleeve a little, his fingers tugging the cuffs down and covering his hands, and pushing them back up. A nervous habit he had picked up and done since he could remember.

The doorbell rang a few seconds after Tony had adjusted his sleeve back to how it should be, and a small smile broke out on his face. He knew who it was and that caused his smile to break out even bigger. Once at the door he opened it and saw Steve Rogers standing there in a black suit much like his, but he had a white scarf draped over shoulders like they did in the fifties, and it looked stunning on him.

"You look so beautiful." Steve smiled as he stepped aside for Tony to lock the door after he picked his wallet up off the stair case - why he left it there Steve didn't know, but it was Tony, he had a reason for most things he does.

"You don't look to bad yourself." Tony smiled once the door was locked and the key was in his pocket.

"My beautiful princess would you do me the honer of escorting me to prom this fine night?" Steve asked with a smile on his face.

"It would be my honer my prince." Tony smiled and took the hand Steve had extended for him to take and then walked with him down the street to his car. Tony's street was always packed with cars, Steve still didn't know why it always was, but he didn't mind, he liked the walk he and Tony would always share when they walked to his car. And they always had a different topic of interest, this time is being Harry Potter and how Remus Lupin and Sirius Black are totally married. The drive was also filled with giggles, smiled and shitty chat that neither of the boys cared for, but listened to anyway.

Once at school the both of them walked in the gym together, hand in hand and smiled on their faces. Once in the gym Tony took a seat at one of the tables were Bucky and Sam were already sat, as well Bruce and Natasha, all of them talking about something that Tony had yet to understood what, but he was sure he would understand now as he tried to involve himself in the conversation.

"Hey guys." Tony smiled as he took a seat next to Bruce, the other spear seat being next to Bucky, and Steve would probably want to sit there. A few hey's and hello's were thrown out and then Steve returned with two drinks in his hand.

As the night went on and people got a little drunk, people began to get a lot more touchy feely with one another, the music suddenly became a slow dance song and most of the couples got up and began to dance to the slow song As The World Falls Down by David Bowie

(Play the song now)

"May I have this dance?" Steve asked softly over the music as he held his hand out for Tony to take like the wonderful gentleman he was.

He saw Bruce and Natasha get up to dance together, as well as Sam and Bucky, but the both of them had had a little too much to drink so it was more of a swaying an giggling together than it was an actual dance.

"You may." Tony smiled and took his hand as he stood up, a smile on his face and a twinkling in his eyes as he and Steve walked to the dance floor together.

There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes
A kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes  

Steve placed his hands on Tony's waits and Tony wrapped his arms around Steve's neck and the both of them began to sway to the amazing voice of David Bowie.

But I'll be there for you
As the world falls down  

Tony placed his head on Steve's shoulder and smiled as they danced to the music, Steve letting go of Tony and letting him spin around as the soft guitar took it's small solo of the song, and then as the vocals started one again he turned back into Steve and they continued dancing how they had before.

"I really do love you, you know that right?" Tony asked as the song began to come to an end. 

"I know and I really love you too." Steve smiled and leaded down to plant an innocent kiss on Tony's lips, the both of them with a soft pink coating on their cheeks and looking into each others eyes that blended together to make the most beautiful mix.

Falling in love

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