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Summary :-: Tony wants a dog, and after the tragic kidnapping he went through maybe now was the prefect time for a friend he could talk to and know would never repeat his secrets 

Warnings :-: PTSD, nightmares and panic attacks

Word Count :-: 2300

(the doggo in the media isn't mine, so credit to the photographer and the owner. I've for 3 beautiful bulldogs, and as much as I would have loved to use one of them, I don't think Tony would want a bulldog. And the fanart I've used, full credit to the incredible artists)

(I'm so sorry it's taken me so long, but this is for the wonderful cubone who requested this. If any of y'all have a request feel free to DM me them, or leave them in the comments and I'll do my best to make them come to life. I've done something like this before, but it was a while ago and with a different ship, and it was a cat, so I'm excited)


Tony had always loved dogs, but he was never aloud one growing up, and as he got older he had no time to look after one and he didn't want Pepper to have all the fun with one. And then he was kidnapped and held hostage to make weapons, and thanking his lucky stars, he managed to escape the cave, but not without his scars. Just to name a few he was scared of loud noises, deep water and confined spaced in the dark. He hated letting Pepper see he was scared, so when she left to go to Japan for a few weeks to deal with some meeting and expanding Stark Industries over there, Tony took it upon himself to get a four legged, furry friend. He had wanted a dog all his life, and he was finally going to get one.

There was a pet shop that wasn't too far from Stark Tower, so Tony grabbed his wallet, as well as his phone encase Pepper needed him, not that she did, she could handle these meeting by herself. As he walked down the street he turned a left and then saw a little shop with cages in the window, cages for dogs, cats and birds as well as food for them all. There was the name on the window the read 'Pets are Us', and the name made Tony smile a little. As he walked in he saw it was definitely bigger on the inside than it was the outside.

"Hi, can I help you with anything?" Asked a lady who was behind the counter as soon as she heard the bell dinging meaning someone had come in. She had a kind face with wrinkled features, but soft eyes. Her hair was cut into the style of a bob and was a sliver grey like starlight. She was very pretty for her age and Tony instantly took a liking to her as she gave of a very happy and warm vibe, filling the shop with love.

"Yeah, I wanna get a dog." Tony smiled and then saw a smile break out on the ladies face.

"Okay, well we have a lot of puppies of all different breads, we have pedigrees and mongrels of all size and colour. Do you have a breed you would like?"

"I really love Golden Retrievers, but I don't really want a puppy because I won't have time to train them so I'd rather a trained one." Tony spoke as he looked around at all the puppies in the store. He really would love a puppy, but he didn't have the time to look after a baby, despite his issues he still had things to do and looking after a puppy would take up a lot of time. 

"Okay, I'm sorry to say we don't have any like that, so I'd recommend the pet shelter just a few blocks over, but I can sort you out with a collar and a leash as well as food, beds and bowls for the dog." She spoke with her kind voice that made Tony feel like he was talking with his grandmother.

"Okay, would you be able to sort all this out when I got to the shelter? I'll be back by the end of the day to pick all the things up."

"Yeah, I can do that for you." She smiled. "Can I take a name to keep all this under?"

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