Hold Me Close and Don't Let Go (Superfamily)

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Summary :-: Every family has their family problems

Warnings :-: Angst and fluff

Word Count :-: 1385

(Fan art credit to the wonderful artist)

(Okay, @marvelectric here you go! I hope this is what you wanted. I really loved writing this and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing)


Tony was tired, but that wasn't anything new, he was usually tired nowadays. He had the responsibility of being the world famous Avenger, Iron Man, as well as keep up his star image in the press, making sure he and his husband Steve didn't do anything to upset them, and now care for their beautiful five year old Peter. But recently, as Pepper was stating to take a few steps back from the business because she wanted to spend more time with her partner, and Tony was extremely happy for her, so he stopped flying her to the overseas meeting and went himself so she could go home and be with Happy all night long, and not stress because before she took over Tony was very good at meeting, and he still was. But because off this, it was taking a strain on his family, they missed him, but Tony was too buys to see this, he wanted to be a good dad, and no like his so he did all he could to make sure everything was prefect.

He always tried, even when he wasn't perfect he did his best.

It was very late one night when he came through the door, he was jet lagged, in pain and needed to eat, sleep and he was very close to having a cry. He took the elevator up to the communal living room, knowing full well Natasha and Clint were at S.H.I.E.L.D filling in paperwork on the latest mission, Bucky was out on a date, after getting used to the world, he was back to being his usual self, but Tony and Steve are both convinced that this date was to make up for the fact he didn't have the balls to ask Natasha out. Bruce wasn't in America right now, he had left to do some soul searching for some reason, Wanda and Vision had taken off somewhere, and Thor was with Loki on Asgard - so he knew it would just be Steve and Peter, and when it was just the two of them they often went to the living room, Steve had always liked the view from the loud widows.

"I'm home." Tony smiled, his smiled wide as he saw his litter boy running at him.

"Dad!" Peter shouted as he dropped the bricks of Lego he had in his hand and ran over to his dad who was now kneeling in the doorway with his arms stretched out.

"Hey little one." Tony smiled and kissed the top of his head as he wrapped his arms around him. "I missed you.

"I missed you too!" Peter smiled as he pulled back from the hug, but Tony didn't let got of him.

"Come on champ, it's late and dad's home now so we better get you to bed." Steve smiled and picked Peter up, taking him away from Tony and to his bedroom that was conjoined to his and Steve's floor. As Steve put him to bed, Tony went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea, and made one for Steve as well.

Once he had his tea, milk and sugar added he walked over to the couch and sat down, placing the too-hot-to-drink tea and waited for Steve to come back.

"What the hell, Tony?" Steve spoke when he came back, his tone harsh and angry.

"What?" Tony asked in an innocent voice, confusion in his tone as he looked up as Steve from his seat on the couch.

"We hardly ever see you and when you finally come home I don't even get a hello?" Steve complained as he waved his hands around dramatically.

"I made some tea, if that helps." Tony tried as he pointed to the cup of tea that was made how Steve liked it.

"No, Tony, that isn't helpful! You're hardly every home! I go on these missions with you, and then I have to stay home and look after Peter when you're off traveling all over the world not even checking in! You know you said you were worried about becoming your farther? Well, you don't need to worry anymore, because you are him! You're an absent farther who cares more about himself than he does his family!" Steve yelled and stormed out the living room and back to his and Tony's floor.

Tony say there with his mouth hanging open, his words ringing in his ears as he looked at the place Steve once stood.

You know you said you were worried about becoming your farther? Well, you don't need to worry anymore, because you are him! You're an absent farther who cares more about himself then he does his family!

Tony had no idea Steve felt like this. He had one so much to change for him, he stopped drinking, he stopped being such an ass to people, he made sure he put others - only sometimes - before him, and he never swore anymore because he didn't want Peter to copy him.

"I'm sorry." Tony whispered as a tear ran down his cheek. This was one of his worst nightmares come to life... He was his farther, the one man he never wanted to be like.

Steve changed his shirt and threw the other in the hamper, and sat down on the bed, regret running through his head. Why did he say that? Why would he compare Tony to Howard? He knew he was trying, and he had the Avengers, and he had a business to run. He was doing all he could to make his family happy, and Steve was just tearing him down and he felt awful.

He needed to make things right.

With a heavy heart he got up of their bed and went back to the living room and saw Tony still sitting here, not having moved at all, the tea on the table still steaming hot and untouched. Tony was staring off into space with tears freely running down his face, his eyes not needing to blink for them to run down his red cheeks. His nose was getting red and his eyes puffy.

"Tony, I'm so sorry." Steve whispered as he knelt down in front of him with a sad look on his face. He couldn't believe after this much time of being on a team together, being married and having a child, all the heartache the both had gone through, all the lost, pain and suffering, that one comment Steve had made was the one thing that made the billionaire cry.

"You're nothing like your farther, I-I was just upset because I haven't see you in a while and I miss you more than anything I've ever missed before and-and I-I'm so sorry." Steve spoke, his voice cracking a little as tears began running down his cheeks. "I love you so, so much and I never wanted to hurt you, and I-I can't believe I have."

"B-But it's true." Tony whispered back.

"No, no, no it isn't. You're nothing like your farther, Tony. You love your family, you love us a lot and spent time with Peter as much as you can when you're home, and you always send me messages telling me you love me and you video chat us on plains when you can. You're on of the most amazing people I know, and I love you with all my heart." Steve explained as a tear ran down his cheek, but he didn't care enough to wipe it away, he was too concentrated on making Tony feel better. He brushed his tears away with the pad of this thumb and kissed where they had fallen from.

"I love you so much." Tony whispered and slid of the couch and into Steve's arms wrapped them around his neck, and Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's body.

"I'm never gonna let you go." Steve whispered and kissed the top of his head.

"Please don't." Tony whispered back.

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