Mirror Of Erised (Hogwarts AU)

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Summary :-: Tony gets a little lost and ends up finding something that makes it all worth while

Warnings :-: Bullying

Word Count :-: 2741

(Full credit to the amazing artist for the beautiful fanart at the top)

(I'm not a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw so I had to Google their characteristics so I got them right. If I got something wrong then I'm sorry if I offended you. I also know people put Tony in both Slytherin, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but to me he is much more Ravenclaw than he is Slytherin, although Slytherin defiantly is the best house because I'm a Slytherin and I'm pretty great *sarcasm* Anyways, I hope you like this because as y'all know I love Harry Potter a little too much)

(I'm writing this as The  Prisoner of Azkaban is on and my Wolfstar heart is melting like I can't, they're such a married couple I love it *shameless self promo coming up, but I have a Wolfstar fic if any of y'all wanna give it a read*)



Hogwarts is a vast and beautiful place with crazy talking painting that mumble the most random of things, and showcase the most stunning of historical sense. The staircases that never stay in the same place for long have always been a crazy and scary thing, but when you're being chased by people from your house and you know you can't hide in the common room, they come very much in handy for a quick get away, and that's just what Tony was using them for. He was running from some sixth year Ravenclaw's he had really annoyed in the library and was running away from them as they tried to hit him with hexes to take him down a peg or two so he would stop being so full of himself.

As he ran up the stairs taking them two at a time as he tried to get away from them he felt the old stairs began to change, causing his body to fly to the left as he gripped hold of the banister, the sixth years who were chasing him having just missed him as his case changed. He didn't care where he got off as he jumped to the next available platform and he continued running, praying they wouldn't catch up with him anytime soon.

He turned down a corridor on a floor he didn't know if he was aloud to be in, it was dark and a little scary with cobwebs bigger then his head and spiders probably to match. But, Tony didn't have time to take in the scary looking statue that was dripping with thick white webs. He carried on running until he came across a large wooden door with thick black metal hinges and iron patterns on it, he stopped running, catching his breath a little and pushing his glasses back up, but as he did he could have sworn he heard the sound of Mrs Norris alerting Flitch someone was somewhere they shouldn't be.

"Oh gosh." He mumbled and then turned the handle on the door and slipped inside, praying is wasn't some strange room in the castle filled with some magical creature that could kill him, or something dangerous that would scare him for life. But as he looked around, after closing the door he took a deep breath and turned around and was extremely pleased to find just an empty room with nothing but a large and very grand looking mirror that stood in the middle of the room, standing tall and proud.

Tony walked over to the mirror and looked at himself, hoping he didn't look terrible as he just ran the distance from the library to here. As he came into view he didn't look so bad, his cheeks were a little red and his hair a little more messy that it was before, but aside from that he was still the same as before. Slightly large glasses covering his eyes, lose Ravenclaw tie around his neck, untucked shirt and robs that were just slightly baggy on him, but he much preferred that. He looked just the same as he always did, with the bags under his eyes and a soft, pale face.

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