You Need A Tissue

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Summary :-: Robert gets emotional after watching Endgame and Chris comforts him

Warnings :-: Nothing much, there's no spoiler that I can see, I was very carful not to put any in but its still your choice to read or not.

Word Count :-: 559


The end credits began to roll and Robert wiped his eyes. He had never cried at the premier of one of his movies before but Tony Stark has become his life. Growing up reading the comics, idolising Stan Lee and all his wonderful thoughts, then getting to work with him as one of the most memorable and iconic characters in the whole of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Robert had grown such a love for playing Tony Stark, he loved every second he was Iron Man. 

He looked to his left and saw Chris Evans with a tissue in his hand, and dabbing at the tears falling from his eyes, he then looked over and saw Scarlet and Jeremy trying not to break down as they looked at one another. Chris Hemsowrth and Tom Hiddelston sat together both smiling and laughing at the antics of Thor - Chris has refused to let him read any of the script so as not to give him any spoilers - Benedict smiling and laughing a little as he listened to Tom Holland saying how good this was and how he can't wait for his new movie to come out. Chris Pratt sat next to Karen who smiled at the growth of her charter, the rest of the Guardians cast all congratulating her on her amazing job. The theatre in LA was filled with many different emotions radiating of each of the actors and their families, the directors, makeup artists, special effects cast, everyone who helped make Endgame. But Robert couldn't stop crying.

"Do you need a tissue?" Chris asked as he looked over at Robert who tried to hid the fact he was crying by rubbing at his eyes as if there was nothing wrong.

"I'm not crying." Robert spoke, but the shaking in his voice showed that was a lie.

"Come on, babe, don't try and act all tough, everyone at least cried once."

"You have no idea how glad I am that I wore waterproof mascara." Scarlet spoke, looked over at Chris and Robert. That caused a small laugh to be shared between the group.

"I just can't believe it's over." Robert spoke as he looked at Chris and placed his head on his shoulder and leaned into his neck, a few more tears seeping from his eyes leaving a dar blue patch on Chris' blue suit.

"You know you played him so well." Chris spoke as they all started leaving.

"I know, you did a pretty good job too." Robert smiled as he grabbed hold of Chris' hand, waving and saying goodbye to all his friends and co-workers as the two of them left to go home.

"I'm glad Steve and Tony got to work things out, they needed each other."

"Just like you need me right?" Robert asked as the two of them got into their limo to be taken home.

"Yeah, babe, just like I need you." Chris smiled and kissed the top of the smaller man's head, the older leaning into his side, the tears he was crying in the theatre still rolling down his cheeks.

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