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Summary :-: Steve and Tony get given a onesie of each other's superhero suite 

Warning :-: Fluffy fluff stuff

Word Count :-:  585 Just a kinda long drabble 

(Fan art by kirusca via Tumblr)


Steve had gone for his usual morning run and as he was running back he stopped when he saw a clothing shop with two onesie in the window, and he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face as he went in and brought the two onesie's and then continued his run back to the Avengers Tower where he knew Tony would be tinkering about in his lab, he usually was when he woke up alone.

Once back home, he was greeted by J.A.R.V.I.S who said a soft 'welcome back Captain Rogers' and he said a good morning back, and then took the elevator to his floor so he could shower and change before he went to see Tony later.

Once changed into some sweat pants and a plan white shirt - what he usually wore when he was relaxing - he decided to go and see Tony. He got off his bed and put his book down and went down to the lab. Once there he saw Tony with messy hair and mumbling things to himself as he worked on something, Steve guessed it to be upgrades for the newest model of his suite.

"Hey darling." Smiled Steve as he wrapped his arms around Tony's waist.

"Hey honey."  Tony smiled and leaned back into his touch. "What brings you down here?"

"Wants to see you." Steve smiled and kissed his neck.

"Awe well aren't you sweet." Tony smiled.

"And I wanna have a movie night tonight." He smiled.

"Why don't we have it now, I have nothing else to do, this can wait." Tony spoke as he put the wrench he was holding down and turned around wrapped his arms around Steve's neck. Steve smiled and placed his hands under Tony's bum and Tony jumped up so his legs were now wrapped around Steve waits.

"Then let's go." 

Once in the living room Steve placed Tony down on the couch.

"I've got something for you, just don't move." Steve spoke as he ran to his room and changed into his new Iron Man onesie and carried the Captain America onesie down for Tony.

"Better be something nice!" Tony called out as he heard Steve walking back into the living room.

"Put your hands out." Steve smiled and then watched as Tony stuck both his hands out as far as he could, and then Steve placed the clothing in his hands. "Okay, now open them."

"Oh my god, you look so cute!" Tony cheered as he looked at Steve in a Iron Man onesie.

"Thanks, darling, now you gotta go and put yours on." He smiled and saw Tony smiling at the Captain America one in his hands.

Tony got up and then changed into his onesie, all the while Steve setting a movie up for the two of them to watch. When Tony came back in he had the hood draped over his face, and what with it being a little big it hung over half his face hiding one of his eyes.

"What do ya think?" Tony asked as he walked in front of Steve and did a little spin before he felt two arms getting wrapped around him and then being pulled down onto Steve's lap, a giggle passing his lips.

"You look adorable, darling." Smiled Steve as he kissed his cheek.

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