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Summary :-: "Be careful with my baggage, it's designer."
                      "Be careful with mine, it's vintage."

Warnings :-: Angst

Word Count :-: 2115

(Fan art by rhyme with Rachel - that's the name on the image so I'm just assuming)


"Nat, we have to do something about them." Bruce spoke as the both of them heard another glass smashing from the kitchen, who threw it the both of them had a pretty good idea.

"We do." Natasha agreed as she heard Steve saying something to Tony that had clearly made the man smash something. Steve never screamed at Tony, it was always the smaller male that would scream and shout like a child, and Steve would just keep his voice stern and hard and say something truly deep and painful as a comeback what with him listening more that Tony did. It was always painful to hear.

Tony had always acted on impact and Steve was more observant and waited for the prefect moment to strike.

"I know I am not part of this conversation, but may I offer my advise?" The both of them suddenly hear J.A.R.V.I.S. pipping in.

"Sure thing." Natasha answered.

"Well it seems Sir and Captain Rogers need some time away, maybe if we kept them in a room with nothing to break, and soundproof walls they could talk things out." He suggested.

"Sounds like not that bad of a plan, J." Bruce spoke as he thought over what J.A.R.V.I.S was saying.

"Thank you, Doctor Banner. Sir once made a room for himself filled with pillows and soundproof walls so no one - not even I - could hear into. I'm still not certain what he would do in there, but the room is on his floor so if we can find a way to get the both of them there I'm sure this plan could work." J.A.R.V.I.S answered politely.

"Now just to get them in there." Natasha spoke and the rest of the night was set about getting the two men to talk without killing one another.

Getting them there was a lot easier than either of the two Avengers had thought. Steve was willing to talk things out and Tony, well he just grumbled and bit but decided to listen to what Steve had to say in a less dangerous environment with nothing to smash and break. The two of them could clearly see how their fighting was causing issues in the team and making some of then feel an obligation to take sides.

"Please you two, please just sort this out because we can't keep listening to Tony smashing and screaming the house down and Steve hurting his feelings." Natasha spoke as she stood in the doorway. "I swear Tony, you have more mood swings that a girl on her period." She mumbled more to herself as she went about shutting the door. "Now sort this out!"

Then the door was shut, the room locked form the outside so there way no way of getting out, and the fact that Tony had blocked this room out from J.A.R.V.I.S and there was no security he knew they wouldn't be let out until someone let them out, and for all they knew that could be the rest of the day.

Tony huffed as he sank down to the floor, his bum hitting on the of the many pillows. The room looked like a padded cell, but Tony would often come in here when he needed space so he could calm down, or vent so on one could here him. He didn't need the team knowing all his problems so he came here. Going to the lab to vent and/or breakdown was too much of an easy to be seen place so Tony made this room.

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