The Day I Lost You

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Summary :-: Steve lost his life and the flashbacks are killing Tony

Warnings :-: Major character death and suicidal thoughts/actions

Word Count :-: 1120

(Amazing fanart by Kamachu on Deviantart. Sorry in advance I'll provide tissue at the end of the chapter if needed)


How could he be so stupid? How could he give up his life for someone else? He is Captain America, he had to be better than everyone, always has to be the bigger man, always had to be the best at everything, but this time him trying to save me really back fired, literally, he was shot, three times in the back, one hitting some nerve in his spinal cord, another hitting him in the back of the head and then another hitting him someone ells, but the time the first show was friend I was crying to much to see what was going on.

Tony was gagged and bound to a chair, a spot light on him, this not being the first time he had been kidnapped, and it ptobably wouldn't be the last. He knew Steve would come, he always did when it came to keeping his teammates safe he would do anything, even use the tracker he asked J.AR.V.I.S to plant in the Iron Man suit. But Tony wished he wouldn't come. He knew this was all a plan to get him here.

The memories of me being like that was nothing new to me, it had happened before and I'm sure it will happen again. I just wished, I hopped, I begged, and wish Steve had never come. If he hadn't then I would be there and not him. It would be my body lowing into the ground and not his. His life was worth so much more than mine ever could be, all I really do is give money to charity and spend the rest on drinking. I wasn't worth saving, he should have saved himself, he should have left SHIELD get me and not him come in alone, that way maybe I would have had a better chance at living, and he definitely would be alive, but he just had to be a hero. "My stupid fucking hero." I glumly whispered to myself as I took another shot of the cheap whiskey that warmed my stomach and burned my throat as I drank it, the small warmth it gave off being the only thing I could feel as I thought of Steve.

"Tony!? Tony where are you?!" Steve yelled as he ran into the abandoned building. The atmosphere dark and creepy as he bashed open the doors trying to see if was there. "Tony, please!" Steve yelled and then he saw the only room with a light on and he knew he was there.

It's all my fault. All my fault. I wanted to die, Steve didn't, he had things to live for, he could have a family, people liked him, but me? No, I didn't want a family unless it was with him. We had talked about it, we talking about getting married, about having a kid, about getting a small place just outside of town, like Clint's little farm house, but maybe more in the city. If it was me who was killed, then Steve could still have all this, but not me. I can't have any of it without him. But he could have had it without me.

"Oh my god, Tony!" Steve yelled as he ran into the room he was in. Tony's face was covered in blood, sweat and tears, he had no life in his eyes, but they still brightened up when they saw Steve. "It's okay, darling, I'm here."

I took another shot, my voice to weak to be used so I just pointed at the empty glass an the bartered knew what I meant. He poured me another shot, was this the seventh? Or the nineteenth? I had no idea, but as long as I was still being served the drink I was going to damn well drink it.

"NO GET OUT OF HERE!" Tony yelled though the gag but it just came out as mumbled babbling. "Shush, shush, shush, darling you're safe, SHIELD will take care of it all."

BUT THEY COULDN'T BECAUSE YOU CAME ALONE! I screamed in my head. Steve was never stupid enough to come to these things alone, he always brought someone with him. Even if he bought Natasha, hell even Bucky would have been better than coming alone. But no, he came alone.

Steve wrapped his arms around Tony and tried to undo the gag, the fabric that was once in his mouth now on the floor. "Steve, please, no, get out, you have to leave me and get out. Please, please, they're gonna kill you, get out, please." Tony begged, tears filling his eyes.

I tried, I tried to make him leave, but he just shushed me and called me darling and gave me that beautiful smile. I wish he left, I wish he never came.

"No, Steve, please, I love you so much!" I yelled as he set about untying me but then a booming voice came into the room.

I didn't listen to what was said, I couldn't. I just hung my head in shame and tried not to thing of what they would be telling him about me. About how selfish I am, and how awful I am. Nothing I already didn't know.

Bang! BANG! BANG! Tony screamed after the first shot was fired, his heard spinning as he heard Steve's heavy breathing. Then a thump, and Steve was gone, his body lying dead on the floor, blood pouring out the bullet holes.

I got up out of the bar stumbled about the place until I found a bridge. I can't live with myself knowing this is all my fault. If I wasn't stupid enough to get caught and taken, then non of this would have happened. Steve would be alive and well, I would be in his arms watching some sappy love movie he seemed to love and just being happy. I wouldn't be walking to a bridge in the middle of the night, a week after his funeral, wanted to end my own life. I was never the best swimmer so drowning after a rainstorm in gushing water wouldn't be a problem for me. So I stumbled over the railings and then held my breath and jumped. It was cold, very cold, but I didn't care as the water rushed over me and pulled me under. That was it. I was now gone, or I was dying, either way as long as I never had to be alive again I was happy.

 I was now gone, or I was dying, either way as long as I never had to be alive again I was happy

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