I've Finally Got Someone To Enjoy Christmas With

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Summary :-: Christmas at the Avengers Tower

Warnings :-: Nothing at all

Word Count :-: 2335

(Happy Christmas guys, and for those of you who don't celebrate it then have a wonderful wintery day x)


Tony Stark hates Christmas, he hated the festivity, he hated the gift giving, the 'family time', the cold - He hated it all. He hated the festivity because his farther would always say he decorated the tree wrong or it looks tacky and he needs to do it all again, or he wouldn't let him help at all and saying he would mess it up. He hated the gift giving because as selfish at it sounds he never got what he wanted, or needed, he would get socks and pens, things a child doesn't really need. He hates the family time because every year his dad would drink too much and yell at him, and his mother would be too drunk to stop him. He hated the cold because... well who really likes sitting in the cold until your fingers a numb and you can't feel your toes? No one, that's who.

But this year he had a family to share it with, he had the Avengers team. Of course Clint went home to be with his family and Natasha and Bucky went with him, Nat wanting to introduce her boyfriend to the rest of Clint's family. Thor said he would come by later on in the day with Loki, Jane and Darcy to give some gifts, to say everyone was a little worried as to what they would be getting is an understatement. Bruce was still on his holiday in some warmer part of the world, looking for some peace after being stuck as Hulk for a lot longer than he wanted to be. Pepper and Happy were off together. So all that was left of the team is Tony, Steve and Peter, the little superfamily. Tony knew despite most of the Avengers being away they would come back to the tower a few days after Christmas so he would get to see them soon. 

So this year, on Christmas day, Tony Stark was spending it with his boyfriend Steve and his not-his-actual-son-but-he-may-as-well-be son Peter. And everything had to be perfect.

The week leading up to December 25th, Tony had spend making sure everywhere was clean and tidy and nothing was out of place. He had made sure to get a tree that would be able to fit in the living room, but was still grand enough to be worthy of a Stark home, the pine-tree smell taking over your senses as you walked into the living room, the tree covered in the most elegant of decorations, all the baubles red and covered in glitter, as well as some silver glittering snow flakes hanging off some of the branches, the lights that wrapped around the branches shinning brightly and reflecting on the baubles making the glitter shimmer under them. He debated adding some more things to it, but he liked the simplistic look, he always had - and not that he would tell anyone, he made sure the colours matched his Iron Man suit. And for the first time as Tony decorated the tree he wasn't told it wasn't good enough as Steve walked in, wrapped his arms around his shoulder, pulling Tony into his side and kissed the top of his head and smiled at the tree, saying something along the lines of 'good job, doll, looks beautiful'. Over the weeks gifts from people began appearing under the tree, some from Clint and his family, some from Nat and Bucky, and even some from the S.H.I.E.L.D team as well as Aunt May. 

For the first time in years Tony actually got gifts for people, not just letting them buy what they want with his card like he does with Pepper, he actually got them gifts himself, going on into the overly dressed up streets in New York with bags from all different shops in his hands, the small man doing his best to stay out of the way of the media who would question what he was doing, and he honestly couldn't be assed with them today. Once he had everything he needed he got back in his car, drive by Happy, who had gone around the shops himself looking for gifts.

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