Funny Colours

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Summary :-: Everyone knows blue and red make purple, but that thought seemed to slip the minds of the Star Spangles Man, and his 'not-so' secret boyfriend

Warnings :-: Nope nothing

Word Count :-: 735



It was hot. Much to hot, but that didn't matter to Steve and Tony, the both of them sat under a large oak tree in the shade, with a blue and a red Slush in their hands. Tony of course having the red one, what with him being Iron Man and his suites being red, and Steve having the blue one because Tony bough them and he left the older male no choice in the matter as to what once he would be having.

Steve lay down, with Tony falling at his side, Steve's lips a little blue from the Slush, and Tony's lips a very plush red from his. Steve then rolled over on his side and pressed his lips to Tony's, a soft kiss, that made the both of them sit up, and deep then kiss. 

Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's smaller body as he picked him up and placed him on his lap, and Tony wrapped his slender arms around Steve's neck, the kiss now getting so heated, it seemed the two men had forgotten to stop for breath.

"Shoot, we better get back to the tower, Nat, wanted us all there for a house meeting." Steve spoke as he looked down at the time on his phone, his new Stark phone having fallen out his pocked causing the screen to light up with the time.

"'Shoot', you're so old, cap." Tony laughed.

"Shut up, Tony." Steve spoke with a grin on his face as he pushed the younger man off him, letting him fall to the floor with a soft thud.

"No, my back, it's broken! Steve, you've killed me! I'll never walk again!" Tony began, his dramatic and theatrical side coming through as Steve just stood there looking down at his dumb boyfriend with an equally dumb grin on his face. 

"Do you need me to carry you?" Steve asked with a tone that you would speak to a child in.

"Yes." Tony smiled sheepishly as he then felt himself being lifted into the air by Steve and then being safely placed in his arms. He felt safe up here, with Steve's arms around him, and his around his neck.

Tony had picked up their empty Slush cups and thrown them away as they walked past a bin, and then Steve carried him the five minute walk back to their tower. It was the middle of the day on a Monday so there wasn't many people on the street to see them, and the people who did couldn't care less.

Once back at the tower, Steve put Tony down and they took the elevator up to the communal living room of the tower, everyone already in there, Bucky sitting and looking up with heart eyes at Natasha, Clint on his phone texting his wife, Thor with a large beer in hand, Wanda and Vision both wrapped up in each other, and Bruce looking at the two of them with a slight raised eyebrow.

After the meeting was over, Bucky and Natasha went to the gym to train a little, Clint went back to S.H.I.E.L.D, and Wanda and Vision went back to their floor, leaving Bruce, Tony and Steve all in the living room.

"Did you guys get a Slush when you were out?" Bruce asked as he got up to make a drink.

"Yeah, we did." Steve spoke as he noticed Tony moving a little closer to him on the couch.

"Have a blue one?" He asked, pouring the coffee into a Stark Industries mug.

"Yeah, tasted like blueberries." Steve spoke as he licked his lips a little to get a tasted of it again. "Stark had a red one."

"Yeah, I guessed." He spoke, a smirk growing on his face.

"How?" Steve asked with confusion in his tone.

"Blue and red make purple, and you've both got purple lips." Bruce smiled and then left the room with a doofy grin on his cheeks and he left Steve and Tony with purple lips and bright red cheeks.

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